[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zfUhde7.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Chirp. Chirp. Chirp. Tickticktick. CHIRP. CHIRPPP![/i] A white cat ear twitched. Lids lazily opened to reveal pallid blue eyes. Her ear flinched again to the chirping and light tapping on the vehicle's metallic frame which ceased to halt. [i]Hmm, I wonder...[/i] Snatching a bag of sunflower seeds, the Beastgirl slyly walked towards the top exit, making sure not to awaken anyone. It was pretty early still and she was the first one up. Estelle popped her head from the circular entrance and exit of their ghetto looking tank and swiveled her head around, her feline ears turning to zero in on the source of the racket. "Hi little birdy. You're gonna wake everyone up," she greeted the [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/1c665f9d68a1a28a5fc52f48a9fe43f5/tumblr_nc6b1y5hwC1s3figho2_500.png]beaked creature[/url] in a soft, soothing voice. Opening up the packet of seeds, she fished out a handful and tossed a few towards the tiny bird. It cocked its head side to side, remaining weary of the neko. "It's alright. I'm just trying to feed you," she attempted to calm the critter as she hauled her body out of the open lid, slowly and quietly lowering it back down as to not disturb the snoozers. Gasping sharply, she was surprised to see that Rhein had passed out on top of the tank and she nearly stepped on his crotch if it wasn't for her handy dandy kitty skills. Beckoning the bird over, she left a trail of sunflower seeds in her path to lead the bird away from her crew. "Hm, this should be far enough," she huffed in satisfaction. By now the bird had been so accustomed to her presence that it mistakenly perched itself onto her palm which held some more food. Then in a split second, Estelle clasped her hand shut and shoved the unknowing feathered prey into her mouth. Licking her fangs happily, she soon realized she was basically at the center of Town. "Nice time to explore," she murmured as the sun continued to rise in the sky. People were beginning to set up shop and neighborhood kids were beginning to wake, going from house to house to invite their friends out to play. Seeing an [url=http://atiwos5wag90b2j1y2tldc5jb200.g00.photobucket.com/g00/TU9SRVBIRVVTMCRodHRwOi8vaTIwOS5waG90b2J1Y2tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL2JiMTExL2FsbGVuX3Job21lL2dyYW5kbWEuZ2lm/$/$/$/$]elderly Dragnan[/url] coming back from an early market run, Estelle quickly ran to help with the heavy bags of groceries. "Here granny," the neko offered kindly as she took the load and the horned woman was more than pleased with the aid. "Oh what a beautiful and kind young lady. Thanks sweetheart!" The Dragnan croaked with a toothless smile. "It's no problem and thank you," she grinned back. The two shared small talk until they arrived at a petite cottage just a few blocks away from the main square. As they made their way into the doorway, granny raised her finger as a lightulb went off in her head. "Why don't you and your crew come over for breakfast? Really I insist!" The Dragnan said firmly seeing Estelle become hesitant. "Hmm.. alright. If you say so Ms. Sagsalot," the cat-eared girl agreed. "I'll return soon!" ~~~~~~ Retracing her steps towards the square and back to the tank, she bit her bottom lip and rested her chin atop her propped up fist, "Now where could they be?" Rhein wasn't there for sure and she caught that fact from a distance and Saffron wasn't inside either. Climbing back out, she strolled along the streets hoping to spot anyone from the Shabu Shabu Party. Hearing fits of repressed laughter erupt from around her, a slight red hue began to form on her cheeks, thinking it was her, but upon surveying her surroundings, she realized it was some pranked fellow with an eyepat- "Rhein! Oh Rhein!" She called in a concerned motherly tone as she ran towards her team member upon studying the artistry on his face. "What have they done to you?!" Estelle cried as she pulled the male into an embrace, suffocating him in between her large breasts. Her initial instinct was to lick the marker off his face since that's how cats groomed, but she'd learned over the year that her partners didn't appreciate that so she opted for grabbing the hem of her shirt and vigorously rubbing it all over his face. "Come, come. We must look for the others. A really nice old grandma invited us over for breakfast!" She beamed as she finished wiping the drawings from his facial features. His skin had turned a light crimson and dark smudges dotted random spots here and there, but aside from that, he looked decent enough. Carrying on with her walk, she made sure to tow Rhein along with her. This went on for a few short minutes until she spotted Saff crouched beside a hideous pig. "Ugh I can't believe you drink blood from that," she paused for the right word, but eventually settled, "Thing!" Suddenly, a butcher saw the forming crowd by his ugly boar and wiped his hands on his apron before coming outside. "Ay! Whatcha want with me boar?" He asked with a heavy accent.