[color=F4A460][b]E'nasha Williams[/b][/color] E'nasha wasn't sure what to do when she noticed that Baulder was choking on his food. After a moment he seemed to work through it ok though, and started talking to her. She smiled at him before swallowing her own bite of bread and answering him. [color=F4A460]"Yeah, I just looked at the board before I came here. I'm going to Yarosmere, mostly because I'm interested in what's going on there, but also because..."[/color] She trailed off and decided to take another bite of food to help her stall her answer. Words could be tricky sometimes, and not always accurate for what you want to say. [color=F4A460]"Well, I guess I'm a little homesick. This is my first winter so far from the dessert, and honestly the cold's kind of annoying too."[/color] She added a laugh onto the end of her statement before falling silent for a moment. Baulder had asked how she was. While she could just brush the question off, she wondered for a second if she should. She hadn't actually [i]talked[/i] to El'kan earlier, though she'd never really told him much any other time either. The shock wasn't as bad now as it had been right after she woke up, and it probably wouldn't be recurring anytime soon. At the moment, she was fine, everything was pretty much normal, though she did feel less awake now that she'd started eating. She decided it'd be best not to bother Baulder with it. [color=F4A460]"I'm fine, kinda tired still though. I just woke up a little while ago, so I'm pretty sure it's still morning now. How are you?"[/color] She took another bite of food and waited for Baulder's answer.