[h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Rhys' Clinic][/b] [@Ninian][@Shiny Keldeo] The injured croc's tiny little arms reached up to grab the bowl of liquid and pull it towards his lips. Raising his head up a bit Devon tipped the contents of the wood container and let the cool juice flow into his maw and swish it around a bit. A perky sort of smile up turned his jaws. [color=darkturquoise]"Hey, it's Rawst berry juice. Not bad."[/color] Finishing the bowl he placed it beside him and turned his attention to the rags sitting on his stomach. The Totodile took two of them in his claws and looked at them for a moment before placing one on his snout and the other on his forehead. [color=darkturquoise]"We'll be ok Rhys. Thank you. I was really the only one that got super hurt during that fight."[/color] Twisting his neck slightly he looked over at Ember standing near the table and winked. [color=darkturquoise]"Ember did get socked in the gut though, but she's a badass. Right Ember?"[/color] [h2][color=a0c9a1]Glyph the Flygon[/color] and [color=6193c7]Datsu the Toxicroak[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Residential District East][/b] [@Ninian] Leaning to look past the towering Flygon, the Toxicroak grinned toothily. [color=6193c7]"Ah, perfect. Thank you for the directions sirs. Have a nice evening."[/color] And like that, Datsu gave a bow, walked around Glyph, and continued on down the street and further into the upper branches of the giant tree. The dragon peaked over his shoulder to watch the frog depart, mumbling a bit. [color=a0c9a1]"He's strange, but rather polite...."[/color] Turning back to look down at Robel, Glyph smiled. [color=a0c9a1]"Well then, let's continue on. We should be able to view the end of the dance show in the square on our way to the Guild as well. Would that be something you feel well enough for Robel?"[/color] [h2][color=MediumVioletRed]Letho the Sableye[/color][/h2][b][Folio's Trunk - Treacherous Roots B3][/b] [@Shiny Keldeo][@Lucius Cypher] The Sableye had grew much more alert and cautious since they had passed the Waypoint and split off from Petra and Karaha. Letho's pupil-less eyes may have looked static to his partners, but in actuality his sharp vision scanned every room that they had entered thus far. Despite discovering nothing so far his perception did not waver. The imp's gaze travelled to behind him to look over Fuse, Breeze and Gren walking close, and nodded at the tiny Steel-Rock type when he commented on the odd scent filling the narrow hall they had recently entered. [color=MediumVioletRed]"I smell it too. There's alot of plants down here in the roots especially, but mint? That's a new one."[/color] Raising his hand up beside his head as a signal to halt his three companions, Letho poked his head around the mossy corner of the hall and stared into the room. A green, leafy creature with what appeared to be flowers on it's arms and a tuft of white hair on it's head was slowly patrolling the room. A sort of annoyed frown came up on the purple imp's face as he turned back to his companions and shot a clawed thumb at the Roserade around the corner. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Looks like we got some company guys. A mean looking Roserade is creeping around in the next room. Fuse, you got an action plan or do you wanna hear one of mine?"[/color]