[h3][color=c4df9b]Selena the Bayleef[/color] and [color=f7941d]Ember the Quilava[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Rhys' Clinic][/b] [@Ninian] [@Light Lord] Selena and Ember waved goodbye as the Blue Kirlia departed to view the end of the show. Selena barely knew, mostly guessed, at why the Kirlia wanted to watch it so badly, but Ember had no clue. When the subject turned to her and her attack from before, she looked down to her chest, were a slight bruise had formed. She sat the Oran Berry she had been given aside. [color=f7941d]"I'll be fine, it's just a little bruise, after all. Nothing like the beating you took, Devon."[/color] She said, slightly blushing at the comment Devon had made. Selena had gone back to thinking, something had crossed her mind. She'd only lost control for about a minute, probably less. Usually those spells lasted, well, longer. Maybe it was how she was feeling, what had happened to her today. Maybe... maybe her friends could help her, without even knowing it. She gave a slight smile, caught by Ember. [color=f7941d]"See, there's that smile I know. We'll get through this, no problem!"[/color] Said Ember, happily looking into the grass type's eyes. [color=c4df9b]"Yeah, I think we will."[/color] She said, somewhat confidently. As the hour dwindled down slowly, they started talking a little about the coming evening and night. [color=f7941d]"Well... I've got to get home to my mom after this, she doesn't trust me out after dark after... well... I won't go into detail, let's leave it at that."[/color] She said, Selena nodding. [color=c4df9b]"Yeah, I don't even know what my mom's going to say about what happened today... or... my dad..."[/color] She said, with the slight bit of distaste in her voice. [color=f7941d]"Well, what about you, Devon? If Mr. Rhys let's you go, where will you stay?"[/color] Ember asked. [color=c4df9b]"Probably at the Guild, but I'd stay here for a bit, make sure your healed up a bit before you head out."[/color] Said Selena, ever cautious. [h3][color=39b54a]Breeze the Shaymin[/color] and [color=fff200]Fuse the Luxio[/color][/h3][b][Folio Trunk - Treacherous Roots B3][/b] [@Light Lord] [@Lucius Cypher] They finally got a move on, deciding to pass the Waypoint as they said farewell to Karaha and the second hardhead. Less luggage but on the other hand they just lost one of the better group members, leaving the defense of their client to three Pokemon. [color=fff200]"I still don't like it... we don't ever get jobs way down here, and for good reason."[/color] Said Fuse, scanning each corridor as he followed their group. Breeze had other things on her mind. [color=39b54a]"I think we should have stopped back at the Waypoint up there, waited the night out. It won't be long until..."[/color] Her sentence was cut short by Letho's confirmation that they were not alone. A Roserade... [color=fff200]"I've got nothing good against that thing, personally. I've got electric attacks and Bite, but that's it. Nothing effective enough to take it out quick before it sounds any kind of alarm..."[/color] He said in quite a hushed voice. Breeze flew down lower and spoke in lower tones as well. [color=39b54a]"I've got Air Slash, but I don't think it'll be enough for one shot..."[/color] Then Fuse remembered something. [color=fff200]"What about one of those... Alliance Attacks? I've never used one, but they sound like one might do the trick... your call Letho."[/color] Said Fuse, looking at the Dark/Ghost Type.