Morgan felt almost relieved when Odin received the text, but she forced herself to frown. [color=7bcdc8]"Her loss."[/color] She shrugged and followed him out, allowing herself to smile just a little bit as she glided through the door and listened to him talk. [color=7bcdc8]"Your place is fine."[/color] Truth be told, she loved staying at Odin's; it was like a second home to her. She was so busy thinking about his house that she didn't realise she was slipping. It wasn't until it was too late that she started to fall. She landed with a gasp, expecting the cold pavement but instead a body beneath her. Morgan froze, her breath coming out in soft clouds of mist. After a second of silence, she whispered [color=7bcdc8]"My hero."[/color] Then she grinned and stuck out her tongue at him, pushing herself off of Odin.