I changed my mind about copying Moravia. Changing it to the point where it's something new. I'll put my WIP here and edit more into it as time goes on. In short, it's a (smallish, yet highly urbanized) industrialized fascist state that is really secretive and is hellbent upon establishing dwarven supremacy and expanding its borders. Think of some unholy combination of Nazi Germany, the USSR, and R'lyeh :lol Unlike most nations, I'm aiming for a theme in which there isn't really a separaton between magic and technology. They've managed to essentially merge the two together into something called Mythomechanical Engineering, so they have huge land machines that are combinations of magical golems and modern tanks. Scary and powerful stuff, but then their navy and airforce are somewhat lacking. [hider=Dalmar, Fascist Dwarven Hegemony][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/78Xs6kP.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7p0CRR9.png[/img] [/center] [b][h2]Nation Intro[/h2][/b] Isolationist. Strange. Hostile. Terrifying in their sheer industrial might. The Dalmar Dominion severed ties with the world fifty years ago when they arose from the ashes of an archaic monarchy. Since then, they have undergone huge industrial expansion from the large base that they already had, and have in recent years rapidly expanded their borders to annex nearly all of the scattered, independent counties of hill dwarves that lived on the surface. Though dwarves were always famed for the might of their soldiers and their great skill in crafting, that has never been more true than now. None on the outside can claim to know much of the goals of the new dwarven regime, its industrial capacity, or its military might, and so they can only make wild speculations. Some whisper that the dwarves are intent upon conquering the entire world, and there of rumors of horrific genocide and mass slavery taking place behind the iron curtain. For these reasons, most nations simply see Dalmar as terrifying and a rising threat. Still, there was a recent change in leadership and there have been some signs that the dwarves' long policy of isolationism may soon start coming to an end. [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b][hider=Map Claim]Location pending; I'm still not sure what spaces are open and which continents are the New World, Old World, etc. [/hider] [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] In the old days the dwarven people were scattered about in various clans and tribes, and they warred and traded with one another from within their hillforts. In those days dwarves were not so different from men; they were stouter and of shorter stature, to be sure, but it was not until the early iron age that mining technology became sufficient enough for them to construct the massive underground cities and tunnels that they are renowned for to this day. The first great dwarven city to be carved beneath the earth was known as Deepmir, and it was built within a natural cavern system beneath Mount Dulmar, a sacred place to the dwarves and one of the highest mountains in the world. Whilst Deepmir was the first seat of dwarven power, it was not the last; many similar cities were built in time, though none matched Deepmir. With the emergence of large cave cities came urbanization and greater unity, and so the scattered clans gave way to kingdoms. Similarly, those stout little men that had lived on the surface adapted to their cave dwellings within time and became pale, capable of seeing in near complete darkness, and adopted an unusual diet consisting of fungus and other foods that could be produced with greater ease from below the earth. One by one the kingdoms were joined through marriages and through wars as nations were wont to do, and as the late medieval times came the dwarves were more united than any other race. The Dalmar Kingdom with its capital in Deepmir was the subject of countless fables and myths, and while it was isolationist by the time's standards there was still trade between the deep dwarves, the nations of men, and the few scattered clans of 'hill dwarfs' that had remained on the surface throughout all this time. (TO BE CONTINUED) Though in times of the past there were some select few outsiders who were able to venture into the underground realm of the dwarves and tell the tale of the alien world that they saw, the realm of dwarves has since fallen beneath an iron curtain. With the rise of new technology, new ideals of nationalism, and growing discontent within the people, the monarchy of the former Dalmar Kingdom was toppled by military force around fifty years ago. The great dwarven king (whose line had ruled for near a thousand years) was replaced by a military dictator. Fascism became the law, and for twenty years the surface above the mountains was silent. All foreign embassies had been banished, and the outside world was completely shut out whilst the fascists consolidated their power and suppressed any opposition to the new government. [b][h2]Society[/h2][/b](What is your nation is like. You can describe your demographics (special mention to the various races), culture, religion and even your government. It's a bit complex category so if you feel like it you can split this up.) [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b](What is your economy like? What do you mine, produce, trade? How developed is your nation in terms of technology? Anything unique you invented or even make?) [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b](Unsurprisingly you must also talk about your military. How militarized are you? What is your army like in general? What kind of equipment you use? Any special units or machines worth mentioning? I think you already know how this goes.) [/hider]