As LL thunderclaps echoed through the building indicating team 1's progress, Nergal did he best to ignore them and focus on his teams task, glad that they didn't need to wprry about stealth given the tactics some of them were employing. However as the fire system started and the entire lobby became a very soddem area, Nergal glared at Mako figuring he must have been the one to pull the alarm. The sprinklers would do a fine job of ruining any airborne toxins he could create, destroying most of his plans and not to mention being soaked was rather unpleasant. Still as Mako showed off his powers, the action made some sense, the fool just needed to check with the rest of the team first. [Color=337711]"Well given you've volunteered to be the centre of attention Mako, I'll take one of the flanks and pick them off while they're distracted"[/color] Nergal ingormed those still in the lobby, taking one flank by the door while Maverick made for the other flank. As the incoming strike team burst thrpugh the front door, Nergal took note that this group seemed much better equip than regular security, perhaps a rapid response unit? Dismissing those thoughs for the moment he focused on the situation, the ice wall had stalled their progress and Maverick had made their move, meaning the rest of them would have to act fast. With the guards attention focused on the other flank, Nergal quickly moved in while they were all distracted Unfortunately, the soaked lobby floor removed the chance of getting into melee range completely unnoticed, Nergal swearing under his breath as the guard he was reaching began to turn around, alerted by the splashing. Taking note of Maverick's idea, he quickly grappled the guard, one hand wrestling the weapon so it couldn't get a clear shot and the other grabbing his opponents face, quickly releasing a paralysis toxin in their face as they struggled against him. The sounds alerted the rest of the group, half focusing on Maverick while the other half turned on Nergal , who had managed to wrestle his guatd into a shielding position just in time, the two of them having the guards complete attention leaving them vulnerable to the rest of the team