[center][h2][color=f26522]Lucie Valentine[/color][/h2] [h3]Auditorium[/h3][/center] Lucie sat up a little straighter and narrowed her eyes at the authoritative young woman who introduced herself as Nilin. This woman - who seemed about as friendly and approachable as a coiled snake - looked barely old enough to have graduated college let alone be qualified to teach a ragtag group of teenagers with superpowers. Disbelief and mistrust naked on her face, the redhead continued to scrutinize the woman as she went on to claim that she too had powers. From her perspective, that was wonderful and all and much as she was looking forward for them to hold hands and form a circle of trust through which they could all become better people, there was just one teeny tiny little problem. She didn't have powers. An entire week had passed and she had yet to show even a little sign of being anything more than just a normal girl. There was nothing to actually prove otherwise, well, other than a bunch of papers and readings they had shown her. Of course, those couldn't be trusted. The rest of her fellow inmates, each and every single one of them, had all been known to possess some sort of ability or another. No matter how seemingly insignificant, it was still there. But her? She had yet to do anything even slightly abnormal. She was about as normal as they came and that was her lifeline, the one shred of hope she so desperately clung to in this nightmarish situation she had been thrown head first into. Lucie Valentine was [i]not[/i] a special snowflake. Nervousness and frustration building with each passing moment, Lucie waited with a stomach full of vengeful butterflies as the others fired off their questions. She kept hesitating, torn between wanting to ask and being afraid of the answer she might hear. What if this woman was somehow able to prove her wrong, to confirm her worst fears with just a few words? The thought sent her butterflies into a frenzied dance and she found herself hugging her torso in an effort to remain calm. [color=f26522][i]No. Just do it. Just get it over with, Lucie.[/i] [/color] Swallowing her fear, the girl steeled herself and drew in a breath for courage. [color=f26522]"And what about me? I don't have any powers. There's nothing to prove otherwise."[/color]