[CENTER][IMG]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/104/9/9/shadowrun_noir_by_jarow-d61r83d.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]TL;DR Summary:[/b]AQ [indent] - It's Shadowrun; magic and cyberpunk. If you never dealt with Shadowrun before, I can totally fill you in. - Alternate history from the canon, mostly because I want to be free to create events. - Magic, AI, Dragons, Dragons (said twice for emphasis and cool factor), Orks, Trolls, and drones, cyberware, spellcasting, you name it. - 2068, Summer in Frisco, occupied by the California Protectorate under General Kenji Saito - MxF plot -- sorry, guys, two dudes is way too 'buddy cop.' I prefer to partner with females. - Two friends from high school, who haven't seen each other in decades, return to San Francisco to attend the funeral of another high school friends. - Turns out they're both high grade, heavy hitting runners, though they'd never run into each other during their professional lives and don't know what they've been up to since their schoolkid days in the Frisco sprawl. - And it also turns out their friend has a lot of baggage that got him killed. - And now the Japanese Imperial Marines, the Yakuza Japanocorps are gunning for the characters. They gotta figure out why. - Advanced[/indent] [B]In Character Info:[/b] [indent][I]People die all the time in the Sixth world, but an old friend's death brings two friends that haven't seen each other since high school back to San Francisco at his prompting, along with a promise that there's more to it than meets the eye...and money involved. Meanwhile, Frisco is rougher -- it was always under Japanese occupation from before they were all born, but this insane Colonel Kenji Saito defied orders to return to the Home Islands and set up his own military dictatorship. There are protests in the streets, violent reprisals from the Japanese Imperial Marine divisons that answer to "General" Saito and the overall situation is 'deteriorating.' There are rumors in the shadows of an organized resistance movement -- Ejército de la República California (ERC) that is quickly gaining steam. But both of came for their friend, not the politics. However, in Frisco the politics come for you; the funeral itself turns bad and the two old friends, both veteran shadowrunners that hadn't seen each other in more than a decade, are forced on the run and covering each other's back in General Saito's California Protectorate, where the politics, magic and technology intersect[/I][/indent] [B]Out of Character Info:[/b] [indent] There's a lot more to this plot, but it should be discussed in private. What I have is a basic idea of what's going on and what I want is a collaborator to work with on details. Some of my Shadowrun is a little rusty, but I think we can work it out. In addition to running the shadows, our characters will be part of a regime change in San Francisco, fighting the Japanese military occupation that has been in place for forty years now.[/indent]