[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Apartment 2B [hr][hr][/center] Whatsherface and the guy from the bus did only a bit of chatting before leaving to somewhere. Well, it looked like another neighbor of hers wasn't about to get shot today, so Mali let herself relax and closed the blinds up. It was too fucking hot to have the windows open, and forcing the AC to work even harder to compensate wasn't something she was willing to put herself through. It wasn't until she was five steps away from the window and she was in the middle of stretching out her back that she realized that she was still wearing earbuds. A quick yank and an eaten meal later, Mali was ready to get on with her day after getting sidetracked for way too long. She went through the mental checklist of things to do in her head. She was going to have to prep a new batch of food in a couple days at most, so going out and getting groceries was a good idea. She could also check up on that contest that she was in that's supposed to be held next month. She was pretty good on money for the time being, but it wouldn't hurt to look into scheduling a shoot or something. But in the back of her head, the idea that she wouldn't be able to put off unpacking all these boxes forever crawled out and pushed all those other things away. Mali sighed. Well, if she was going to have to do this, might as well get it done before she really got used to having a bunch of boxes everywhere. But first, put on some music. She was pretty sure that aside from maybe the landlord, she was alone in this building, which meant that she had free reign to play it as loud as she wanted. The guy in the floor above her was apparently dead, and his roommate probably wasn't there either. The couple below her usually worked around now and anyone in the basement wouldn't hear anyways. She didn't like her music that loud, and she certainly didn't want to be like that one shit kid on the bus, even if she wouldn't end up getting glocked in the face. But now that she thought about it, the two girls in the basement probably were the kind of people who would smack somebody in the face with a gun for annoying them. Wait, were the cops in the apartment above her, investigating it like Danica's yesterday? Probably. Best to keep things reasonably quiet then. Mali's [URL=https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/jGLnhh0oTpF0oU_zA2CAIaw3uLY=/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3916794/xps13-44.0.png]laptop[/URL] was pretty lightweight. She never really needed it for anything CPU intensive, so picked portability/cost over power. It's been able to hold up rather well in the four or so years she had it. When she opened up the web browser, what was she to find, but that the UN building had exploded. [color=#D5FF00]"Well fuck me."[/color] At this rate, by tomorrow the entirety of the city would just fall into a bottomless pit, dropped into the Eighth Circle of Hell, where it truly belonged. If she had known that the city would implode just a couple weeks after moving in, she would have looked into San Francisco again. Not like there was much she could do about it now. Putting on one of her many [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InKcRfsELPk]playlists*[/URL] to take her mind off the impending apocalypse and the tedium of unpacking, Mali went to work on the truckload of belongings sitting around the apartment. [hr]*Sorry, but I didn't actually make a whole playlist just for a single post in this RP.