[center][h1]~ Chapter 33 ~[/h1] [sub]The Path To The Temple[/sub][/center] As Jenso made his way further, he could see the Mountain that housed the elementals getting closer with each step. He would have to scale the mountain, and find passage into the shrine that hit above the darkened clouds. But were those clouds normal? Pharie didn't mention anything about them. Something was fishy, and it almost felt like somebody kept watching every one of his moves. [i]'Try this on for size, you little brute..!'[/i] Suddenly, Jenso found himself walking along a heightened row of land, with trenches on either side of him. It went on for quite some time, but within seconds of traversing the small bridge of dirt, quite a few Jumino darted up the hillsides towards Jenso from both directions, quickly surrounding him. There had to be hundreds of them! Jenso had to act quickly...