[centre] [img]http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=4&c1=2&c2=0&c3=2&o=6&c4=0&s=16&c5=2[/img] [h3][i][color=92278f] Planet Monument, a world on the outskirts of Alorian space, the Eslarvis system [/color][/i] [/h3] [/centre] The Queens newest orders from Krogow had been very popular with Alorians in most parts of the Empire. Despite it's risky nature, the increase in executions and fear tactics had nearly halted slave escape attempts in many sectors, and greatly reduced the number in others. Human's seemed to care a lot about eachother, or at least enough too not want too see another five or ten of their own kind killed on the streets. Either this or they were simply too scared of the consequences of escaping and being caught. Thing's seemed too be improving everywhere, less Humans were dying and less Alorians were going without slaves. It was a lovely day on Momument. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, there wasn't a cloud too be seen. A beautiful city lit up like a gem, glass shining from the sun on the skyscrapers that lined the streets. Veichles could be seen on the ground as well as in the air, constantly on the move in the busy city, while pedestrians could be seen in huge crowds along the streets, pushing and pulling eachother through too where they needed too be. A light blue skinned mother smiled as she walked along the streets, holding her toddler son on her shoulders. The boy smiled as he took pictures of everything he saw with a disposable camera that his mother had bought him just a few minutes earlier in one of the many stores. She stopped walking, standing still as she turned too face the tallest skyscraper within the closest ten systems. To the boy It seemed too reach up past the clouds, as if it were going straight out of the atmoshphere like a space elevator. "Take a picture, Athan". The mother said, gently tapping her sons leg as she looked up at the magnificent building herself. The boy squinted his eyes, looking through the small camera too see the picture he would be taking. It had the top half of the building in it, with the left side nearly all covered with sun glare. Still, a memory none the less. He expertly positoned his finger over the button, and with a feeling of great achievment, he pushed it. A nuclear bomb exploded at the very same second in the building they were looking at. Millions died, all in a fraction of a second, one of the most beautiful cities under Alorian control turning to dust in moments. The shockwaves spread out quickly, killing more as damage spread further and further outwards. In the next ten minutes, five more major cities across the continent were burned by nuclear hellfire. A further twelve were attacked by an unknown force, smaller bombs setting off in Military strongholds and public transport hubs, cutting of aid and the best way of getting around for everybody. Human's started too emerge from hiding with weapons, and behind them, Alorians. Even a few Krolm were seen fighting with this new enemy force. Human's that could be saved were saved, but nobody else was in luck. Carnage ensued for the next few hours. There was fighting virtually everywhere as what was left of the Royal Guard tried too resist. Bodies and the wounded littered the streets, fires raging where just before there had been peace. It only took a mere nine hours for Monument too succumb to the relentless attack, with little too no military presence still on the planet. The new force took control of what was left of the cities that werent completely destroyed by the fighting. Across the system a further three planets suffered the same fate. Billions had been killed within hours, one of the worst tragedies in Alorian history. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [centre][h3][i][color=92278f] Capital of the planet Aloria: Krogow.[/color][/i] [/h3] [/centre] News of the vicious attacks had soon reached other systems, the attacks spreading like wildfire on news stations. The Queen awakening to discover that Billions of her people had been killed. She called an emergency meeting, summoning all available members of her advisory. She sat at the head of the table, looking down at them as she spoke with a sullen expression painted onto her face. "Have we any communication with the attacking force?" She asked, seemingly shocked and confused as too what was happening. "We recieved a request from Monument for communication seventeen minutes ago. We do not know who is on the other end, your majesty". A Krolm General, Zakra, spoke in a deep voice. "Accept the request". "Of course, your majesty". With that, Zakra reached over and pressed a couple of buttons on the side of a device placed in the middle of the table. It flashed a couple of times, before a holographic image of an Alorian woman standing in a street materialised. It was covered in debris, and a few bodies could be seen in the background. Three royal guards could be seen on their knee's in the middle of the street, with a Human man behind them, holding a pistol at his side. All three of the guards struggled, their hands tied behind them, The Queen was suddenly overcome with anger. She slammed her fist down on the table, standing up as she shouted. "Who do you think you are? How dare you? Scum!" She said, before taking a deep breath, looking at the woman. "I'm glad you asked. I am Luna, commander of the Terran Liberation Front. We claim responsibilty for the attacks on Monument, and the sourrounding plantes". She spoke, seemingly stopping too see what the Queen's reaction would be. "Terran Liberation Front?" She asked, in an almost mocking tone. Her voice took a much more serious sound afterwards, as she narrowed her eyes. "You have killed billions of your own people, of my people, so you can befreind your food?" She paused too take in a breath, but before she could speak again, Luna spoke up. "The Terran Liberation Front demands that Humans all across the empire be released from the shackles of slavery". Was simply what she spoke, looking over her shoulder at the Human behind her. He nodded meekly, and raised the pistol, pointing it at the back of the first guards head. Luna spoke again, "Just as you kill them, we shall kill you". She spoke. The Human shot, killing the first guard. Then the second. The Queen and her advisors watched in horror as the guards were killed. The Queen stared at the Human hologram, before she spoke in a calm voice, despite her being far from it. "If you even look at that guard before you, I will personally find you, Human, and I will make you suffer for far more than it is worth. Drop your weapons, and surrender. Now". The Human bit his lip as he shook his head, Luna giving him a nod before he lifted a shaky hand and shot the last guard in the back of the head. "Your going to regret that".