[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=f6989d]Emily Kessler[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/05eefc9c5ff33cbeac2fde9feb55989a/tumblr_obb54vZY521qjdk5zo9_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center]Her Desk (16) -> Main Office; Dunder Mifflin [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=205193571]outfit[/url] [/center] [hr] "[color=f6989d]What do I do here? The answer is right behind me.[/color]" The IT Specialist of Dunder Mifflin's New Castle Branch sat casually in her seat, rotating the chair just enough so that her computer's monitor was in view. It showed a large version of Dunder Mifflin's logo, with some tiny icons neatly organized into a corner on the upper left side of her desktop. "[color=f6989d]I've been the IT person in this office for about three years.[/color]" The Caucasian girl from California raised her eyebrows, and chuckled. "[color=f6989d]Generally I just help people around the office do things like figure out why the internet isn't working for them, or repair the printer after a [i]certain somebody[/i] spills coffee on it. But, I've seen some crazy stuff go down on these computers. Everything they do -[/color]" Emily paused momentarily and looked around, before putting her hand up around her mouth, "[color=f6989d]- I see.[/color]" Emily was very, very sure that nobody knew that she was able to see everyone's browsing habits on the computer of hers. The ability was given to her just in case something really bad happened. Being the type of person she was, Emily kept quiet about people slacking off and browsing social media during work time. It was mostly attributed to the fact that she also did that herself. "[color=f6989d]I didn't really grow up dreaming of working as an IT specialist for a paper company across the country. But here I am, and quite frankly I don't see myself leaving soon. I love it here and I haven't looked back since.[/color]" Emily shrugged, "[color=f6989d]But there are those days that just make me want to dart out of here, back into my apartment, and soak in a nice, bubbly bath for a good hour or two, some Denzel Curry blasting on the sound system, and a nice glass of wine.[/color]" Emily smiled at the camera again, "[color=f6989d]But that doesn't happen often.[/color]" The camera zoomed in on her Russell Wilson bobblehead, Emily promptly bopping it on the top. The comedically sized head bounced around as the camera zoomed back out, revealing Emily yet again as she laughed lightly. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/5f78f8c3c9097590717789edf82776ff/tumblr_o94we2Zjv41risjtio2_500.gif[/img][/center] A visit from Gwen earlier in the day had bestowed the gift of another one of bossman's famed memos. The one she had actually bothered to read had actually mentioned that there was a meeting about the camera crew that was going to be a part of their work life for a bit. Emily didn't mind this at all. She wondered what all of this was going to add up to. Was it going to a TV show? A movie documentary? All Emily had found out was that there was going to be a camera crew documenting their lives. Why paper salesmen? There were plenty more interesting than the people of Dunder Mifflin - New Castle. If they wanted something interesting they should've just filmed Chris or Eugene. Chris because he's probably the most entertaining person in the office, and Eugene to see whether or not if she actually spoke fluent English. The meeting was going to happen around 9 o'clock, and it wasn't exactly 9 o'clock just yet so Emily had some time. There was also the mass exodus into the conference room, and everyone took decades to find their seats. Right now Emily was just chilling and reading up on the latest about her beloved football team, the Seattle Seahawks. Were they known as a bandwagon team? Yes. Did she just happen to like a bunch of bandwagon teams before they became really popular? Sure. Emily was a devout sports fan, but never in a billion years would she accept being called a bandwagoner for ANY team. She looked at the time on her computer, and since she had read pretty much everything that was worth reading on her websites so far, she decided to make her way to the conference room. There wasn't really nothing to do so she figured she'd just get into the conference room early and get a seat in the back so she could space out without being caught. She locked her computer, the screen becoming a stern warning to those that came across it that Emily was the only person who could unlock her computer. She left her desk adorned with various sports memorabilia and walked into the kitchen as it was the only way from the little sub section she worked in to the main office. But her timing was poor as she walked into one of Aidan's famous tirades. Luckily it was on the trail end of it, so Emily was able to avoid being the recipient of it. Some way, somehow, the conference room had been set up in its presentation arrangement. She had no idea where the table went when the room was reorganized in that way. Looking into the room, it seemed pretty weird for Emily to be the first and only person in the room.