[@supertinyking] [@Wraithblade6] Kevin watches what goes down with a deadpan look, feeling his gut to make sure everything was back in it's proper place. Kevin then looks at Minx, raising an eyebrow. "Why [b]did[/b] you do that? 'Cause she called you evil? No offense, dear, but you are... well... evil." Then he chuckles. "Well, not purely evil, if you have feelings for me... but evil enough to do quite a few evil deeds to bring me back..." "Anyways, can I hold him, Lyn?" Kevin smiles, holding his arms out, gesturing towards Jeffery. As he does, he stares at Ilyndriel, studying her. She doesn't seem very threatening, but Minx seemed afraid of her before. She also mentioned a headache. If it was her making him feel calm, then it probably worked the opposite way for evil things, like Minx. [i]Makes sense[/i], he thought.