So, I see there was a bit of a server wipe or something here not that long ago. I was a member before that, but as it does---- life got in the way and I was unable to keep popping in as often as I once had. Maybe it had to do with lack of interest, too.. I can't really say. Either way, I find myself with all this free time now (aka recently single) (aka freed from her wicked clutches lolol) and wanting to dive back into some passion projects. I have studied creative writing and journalism, so I like to think of myself as quite a decent writer and I'll probably be perusing any new RPs that have been posted. If anybody has any suggestions, I would love to look into something around the mid-high level range. If it isn't a challenge, there is no fun in it for me. Anyway, I'm here and this is my introduction. I look forward to making you all cower. Toodles!