[i][b][Center=align][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcy5D5UhH44]Atmospheric Music[/url][/center][/b][/i] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c5/11/bd/c511bd02158e107567b825a3554dc8fe.jpg[/img] [i]It is 1246 in the year of the Maestro, you and your fellow inmates (wrongfully accused, of course!) are sentenced to the gallows to be hanged to death. That doesn't sound all that appealing to you, nor your newly found friends, however. So you plot your escape, somewhere along the way however it all went horribly, [i]horribly[/i] wrong. Out of options, you managed to get your hands on the wheel of an impounded airship.....this isn't just any old airship however, oh no. In your hand's deathly grip lies the helm of the infamous "Bastard's Bastion", home in the skies to some of the most notorious outlaws the world has ever seen. Even if your fellow mates were wrongfully accused, there wouldn't be a government in existence that would allow outlaws in possession of such a notorious vessel free passage. You'll have to make your own place in the world. Will you become pirates worthy of such an unholy vessel? Perhaps you'll be adventurers making use of the ship's terrifying firepower? Perhaps you may even seek to start your own kingdom. The choice is your's, will history record your exploits with feverish haste, or bored monotony?[/i] [hr] Hello and welcome to my first RP on this site. I hope there is something here to grab your attention one and all. [i]So what the 7 flavors of hell is this?[/i] I imagine you, dear reader, are asking right about now. Quite simply, players would be taking on the role of individuals whom were sentenced to death or life in prison for crimes they may or may not have committed. Whether your characters ACTUALLY stabbed that wench 37 times with a shard of glass or publicly urinated on a likeness of the late Emperor Fortescue the VIII (Glorious be his name) I leave to you. Somewhere along the way to your escape, you come into the possession of one of the most terrifying airships the world has ever seen. The aptly named "Bastard's Bastion" was formerly home to infamous outlaw, Matthew "Iron Sides" Stanton. [hider=Nations and locations] [b][i]The Kingdom of Algria:[/i][/b] Representing the last major monarchy in the world, Algria once ruled over most of the nations of the world directly or via blood-oaths to each country's ruling aristocracy or theocracy. As the decades pass however fewer and fewer royal families remain in power outside it's domain. Despite this, Algria maintains it's stranglehold as an industrial powerhouse of the world. If you own an airship, electric appliance or perhaps even firearm, there is a very strong chance it came from the Monarchy. [i][b]The free states of Jaku:[/b][/i] These former provinces of Algria (laying to it's west and south-west across the World's Spine Mountains) represent the very edge of the known worlds. While more sparsely populated due to the difficult of caravans and trade-ships reaching these colonies compared to the sprawling cities of Algria, Jaku still has a number of notable cities where airships can dock in preparation for exploring "The great void" to the west. The Free States as they prefer to be called take great joy in harassing and/or inconveniencing their parent kingdom of Algria. [i][b]The Holy state of Troikus:[/b][/i] Renowned for stunningly beautiful and well-kept cities and incredibly devout citizens, the people of Troikus are unquestionably devoted in service to the 4-faced lord Troia. Beneath the surface of all this piety and unwavering fealty to their many-faced god however, lays the may of the most dangerous places within the "Under-road". These thousands of miles of uncharted tunnels, caverns and underground cities were once home to the greatest of Dangh'vah (Dwarf) communities. Many an adventurer has made their claim in such perilous places, where the god's grace does not rest. Indeed, some of the most illustrious noble families can tie their beginnings back to recovering priceless artifacts from the Under-road's darkest corners. [b][i]The Great Halls of Golgath:[/i][/b] Representing the last remaining cities and settlements within the Under Roads. Golgath is an absolutely gargantuan fortress carved out of the World's Spine mountains. Whilst technically resting within the borders of Algria, there isn't a fool alive whom would dare test Dangh'vah rights to autonomy. While constantly under siege from Ornok war bands, there hasn't been a single falling in many years now. This monstrous city, guarded from the outside by hundreds (if not genuinely THOUSANDS) of cannon batteries from airship and ground attacks has withstood the test of time. Many jokingly consider the world will burn before Golgath finally falls. [i][b]The Great Void:[/b][/i] Otherwise known as "Terra Incognita", where the explored world ends, The Great Void begins. Stories tell of great nations and cities made of gold and silver somewhere out beyond the never-ending stretches of forests, desert and eventually Ocean. Those that go out however rarely ever come back. Indeed, there are curious reports of ships flying right back into the mountain side from the Void, with all the crew absent. Its as though they just up and vanished as the vessels flew themselves 'back to where they belong' [i][b]Sky Lands:[/b][/i] These gargantuan floating cities were founded when the Mage Orland Undvir (half Dangh'Vah) first erected the floating college of magic above the Algrian capital of San Velais. Numerous nobles and common folk would ask him why he would do such a thing. To which he would always, clearly amused by the question, respond "Why? Why not?". Despite dwelling within the territories of the nations of Algria, Troikus and many other minor kingdoms, these Sky Lands are considered their own nations. Each with it's own council of elders whom pass laws and judgement on criminals. [/hider] [hider=The Races] [i][b]Dangh'Vah *Pronounced Dawn-gee-vawn* (Dwarf):[/b][/i] The Great lords of the Under Roads, Dwarf-folk the oldest folk to exist across the world. Once the most powerful race to roam the earth, Dwarf-folk are still not someone you should cross lightly. Masters of gunpowder (indeed, it's very inventors) and warfare as a whole, it is good rule of thumb to consider any one Dangh'Vah equal to 4 humans (or even 10 humans in the case of Oathsworn) in both martial and physical prowess alike. Whilst average lifespan of a Dwarf is 800 years old, it is not unheard of for some incredibly rare warriors to reach as old as 1,500 years of age. A Dwarf whom has met great failure in a task of great importance may seek to redeem themselves by becoming an Oathsworn, warriors and craftsman whom dedicate their lives solely to the cause of reclaiming the Under-Roads. [i][b]Humans:[/b][/i] This relatively young race has only existed approximately 6000 years, only 3,000 of which has genuine written records. Believed to have been evolved from the pestilent and repugnant Ornok, humans are staggeringly innovative in comparison to their vile kin. While not as hardy as their predecessors, nor as strong as Dangh'Vah, this infant species has established in millennia what even proud Dwarf-folk could not accomplish. They have pushed out their invasive kin, and established thriving cities (some of which even rest among the clouds). While humans are short-lived (With even the eldest only reaching 80 years), even Dangh'Vah admit a begrudging respect for those these folk whom have mastered the earth so readily. [b][i]Aivas:[/i][/b] *pronounced Eye-vass* This offshoot of humans has evolved over the thousand years of mankind's climb to the skies. While such individuals are still rare, they are becomingly slowly more common in "Sky-lands", human-based cities lifted into the skies via magical and technological forces. While more frail than even humans, Aivas are known to bear avian (some say even angelic) wings. Such individuals are particularly rare in Troikus, as such, their sightings are typically viewed as a good fortune by the many-faced god. They are often pampered and well cared for and protected fiercely, viewed as being messengers of his will. [i][b]Ornoks:[/b][/i] *Prounounced Oar-Knock* Ornoks are the second oldest species in existence. One could easily hesitate to call an Ornok a person and more a monster by their appearance alone. They are often grey or dark-green scaled (much like a snake) normally. While they lack ears or nostrils, these reptilian creatures do have slits where such organs would be. While they rarely live beyond the age of 40, Ornoks exist seemingly solely for the purpose of committing acts of violence and creating clones of themselves. Ornoks are hermaphroditic reptiles by nature, laying as many as 15 eggs in a single breeding season. Estimates suggest 7 to 10 of these will be eaten before hatching or murdered before maturing to become fully grown Ornoks. Rare is the individual of this species that doesn't desire anything but murdering anything and everything that stands in it's way. Despite this, it is theorized that Humans (and thereby Aivas) evolved from Ornoks. These creatures inhabit much of the Under-Roads abandoned by Dangh'Vah. Sightings of Ornoks above ground are incredibly rare, and such individuals are (understandably) met with extreme suspicion. It is typical that if someone is murdered or a great crime is committed shortly after an Ornok's arrival in the city, they are guilty by default. [b][i]Shae'Hallam[/i][/b] *Prounced Shade-Hall-alm* These particular individuals are extremely rare. While the rapid use of magic as a whole is nearly impossible save for only the most powerful mages, Shae'Hallam are unique. Their powers allow them to raise the dead (or pull souls from beyond) for several minutes at a time. Most view them by being touched by the veil-faced goddess Dakkus, the goddess of death and despair. Shae'Hallam aren't any one race, but rather are unique individuals, they can easily identified as all are albino in appearance (pale white skin and hair when present, usually red or pink eyes). While Shae'Hallam can indeed raise the dead, those whom lack proper training struggle to control their undead charges, and may even summon them reflexively in moments of great stress. While this tends to breed a certain stigma towards such individuals, they have been known to be called upon to bring back the souls of recently deceased if their death was suspicious. Such individuals are often marked as "Jakal Oath" or "Soul Judges" among the Dangh'Vah. [/hider] [hider=The laws of magic] The world as we know it is bound by very primal words of power. The ability to conjure fire or create a mountain of stone or iron is bound by runes of power. Such things cannot be quickly inscribed, and even then, require an equal exchange of power. One can easily create a small fire with the proper runes and a few sparks to ignite the rune, but to conjure fireballs to be flung at a moment's notice is unheard of outside of the few incredibly powerful mages of the world. With the proper runes of power however, one can easily lift mountains into the sky (Given enough months) or change the weather with the right materials and runes....Such knowledge, however, is carefully guarded by the ever-jealous colleges of Magicks across Algria and Troikus. To even violate such basic laws of the world requires intense training and understanding of these runes. The only exception to this are the Shae'Hallam, "The Veil Touched". Born capable of raising the dead and pulling souls from worlds beyond our own. Their powers are, however, incredibly taxing. On top of this, until such individuals are properly trained to control their 'gift', they are almost entirely incapable of controlling their undead charges. As such, these individuals are typically viewed with wary skepticism. Those whom learn to control their powers however are known to be quietly respected members of their community, called upon by courts of law to hear the final words of the deceased. They may also be called upon to offer closure to families, giving them one last moment to speak with their dearly beloved. TL;DR If you plan on making a mage, you're almost definitely going to be limited to party tricks and distractions unless you have months or even years of time to prepare. Shae'Hallam are naturally focused in one school of magic, but it's use is painful (potentially lethal even) and exhausting, it's nature also tends to make them shunned by communities upon their arrival. [/hider] [hider=Major Religions and Deities] [i][b]The 4:[/b][/i] Gives praise to the 4-faced god Troia, otherwise known as "The great facade" by non-believers. Troia is typically depicted as a tall, powerful humanoid who's head is divided between 4 faces. Each represents Troia's moods: Anger, Joyful, Loving and saddened. It is said that the 4 seasons are a reflection of his appearances. Major events in the world are often said to be reflections of his mood. While not openly the world's creator, he is viewed as it's caretaker. Believed to have been one of (if not THE) first man whom has since ascended to god-hood. Those of the 4 tend to be compassionate and charitable, fearing reprisal from Troia. It is worth noting that followers of The 4 view Aivas as his messengers. Whom are guarded fiercely upon their arrival. Predominant followers: People of Troikus, minor following in Algria. [b]The Great Hall:[/b] Part religion, part philosophy, The Great Hall doesn't worship gods, so much as venerate past great members of Dangh'Vah and Human culture. There are approximately 120 such individuals, particularly notable kings, craftsmen and warriors. Such individuals are viewed as examples to follow. Those that follow such teachings tend to be incredibly patient, as well as particularly devoted to their craft. Predominant followers: Dangh'Vah, Algrian craftsmen and soldiers. [b][i]The Pantheon:[/i][/b] These 5 gods: The King; The Smith; The Nurse; The Sentinel and The Sage are all believed to have created the world and watch over it, but do not intervene in all but the most dire times. While this faith has slowly begun to decline out of favor (originally created in the early days of man), It still has a notable following in Algrian society as well as Jaku as well as other minor nations. [b]The King[/b] Rules over fairness and honesty in all things, favors kings and nobles. [b]The Smith[/b] Rules over creation, particularly favors craftsmen and laborers [b]The Nurse[/b] Rules over life and death, favors doctors and alchemists. [b]The Sentinel[/b] Rules over strength and courage, often works in sync with The King, favors guards and soldiers [b]The Sage[/b] Rules over knowledge and magic, often favored by wielders of the arcane and scholars. Predominant followers: Algrians, Jaku [i][b]The Veiled Mistress:[/b][/i] Also known as Dakkus, while her following is relatively minor compared to others provided here, Dakkus' faithful are quite devout in her praise. Predominantly favored by Shae'Hallam communities (at least the few that exist). She is the judge of souls, determining their afterlife before they are to be born back into the world, ignorant of their past lives. Shae'Hallam are, under the teachings of the Mistress, those she has deemed worthy to be the instruments of her will. Her followers tend to be profoundly knowledgeable in the occult, capable of raising the dead and bringing the souls of the deceased from beyond our world (provided they have only departed within the last 48 hours). [/hider] [hider=Technology] So you're likely wondering "How do floating cities work" or "How do airships" work for that matter. The answer is quite simply a careful balance between magic and technology for one, and almost exclusively magic for another.Larger airships operate via magic runes inscribed at various (mostly random) locations across the ship. It is the crew's (and captain's) duty to know where these words of power are inscribed and protect them respectively. These runes lighten the ship's overall weight, while the balloon above helps provide lift for the (considerably) lighter load. Such locations are often guarded with metal plating (inscribed as well), which offers increased protection to the ship, as well as ensuring heavier loads can be managed. "Sky lands" (airborne cities) on the other hand are often absolutely saturated with runes, and are kept afloat almost exclusively by such devices. While there ARE alternatives in an emergency (engines have slowly been fitted into place on certain Sky Lands's bottoms and sides), they exist solely to keep the city from crashing to back to the ground for the weeks or month's time it would take to re-inscribe the runes that keep it afloat. [/hider] [hider=Weapons and Gear] The meat 'n potatoes, the stuff everyone really wants to see. Melee weapons are, while still notably common in rural/untamed lands, fading out of use in most modern cities. With the growing popularity of repeating firearms and cannons, the age of the castle has pretty much ended as well. The go-to weapons for up-close 'n personal work are often daggers, broadswords and rapiers along with the occasional club or hand-axe (The last 2 of which are especially popular when boarding another airship, rare as it may be) Human firearms tend to be revolvers and lever action rifles or shotguns...Dangh'Vah firearms on the other hand tend to be less about single-shot weapons and more about throwing as much red-hot metal down range as possible. This is made extremely obvious by the infamous "Deck-Gun", a monstrous 8-gauge quad-barreled shotgun that can easily fill an entire room with whatever shards of scrap iron, coins or other metal stuffed into each shell. This is in fact it's very purpose! It is generally advised however (indeed typically inscribed into such weapons) that your average human not attempt to operate one of these firearms if they enjoy having functioning arms. They are also particularly fond of hand-cranked "Machine Guns". These massive weapons which, while require a carriage to use properly, can demolish small buildings in just under a minute if used properly. Such weapons are becoming incredibly popular to mount along the decks of airships. More primitive communities favor straps of numerous single-shot pistols or an accurate single shot rifle. The former captain of the "Bastard's Bastion", Matthew Stanton, was known for having no less than 12 such pistols on his person at any given time, even as he slept. Armor is also rare due to the growing use of firearms which can easily punch through steel. Despite this, some still wear the occasional metal cuirass or leather armor to turn a blade and keep light on their feet. Nobles have a tendency to wear exquisitely engraved armors for special occasions. [/hider] [hider=Major Dwarf historical events] ??? (estimated 9400 years before AD): The first Dangh'Vah fortress, now known as "Gundvir", is established. No official records remain of this supposed birthplace of their kind. It is believed to be a myth by all but a few madmen today. 1 AD (Age of Dangh'Vah): Farthest records indicate the founding of Gavak'Tahl and Gavak'Grun, oldest known Dwarf settlements to date. 1721 AD: Almost a quarter of the Under-roads as charts/records show today are established, over a dozen more settlements have slowly started around dense veins of Iron, Gold and precious gems. 2950 AD: First Dwarf communities officially established entirely above ground of Amgevik and Ulric's Throne, comprised primarily of outcasts and criminals exiled. 4234 AD: Suspected first sightings of Ornoks, roughly 40% of the Under-road as recorded is established. 4187 AD: Gunpowder is invented by Madman Grunvir Ulric. His experiments nearly destroy half of Gavak'Tahl. 4195 AD: The first Ornok invasions occur, marking the first Falling. The ensuing conflict destroys 4 Dangh'vah settlements. 6296 AD: Despite centuries of holding the line fervantly, the second Falling occurs, several more Dwarf cities and fortresses fall. Refugees swarm in droves to the settlements surrounding the last great hold of Golgath. 6300 AD: The siege of Golgath and surrounding settlements begins. 6301 AD: Dangh'Vah resistance to the near endless tide of monsters almost fails. The outcast settlements of Amgevik and Ulric's Throne arrive, having destroyed their homes in a mad rush to melt and weaponize everything they owned to save their dying kin. The combined adult population of both settlements, 64,000 total, are decimated. Only 200 Dangh'vah are left from both settlements when the assaults finally ended. 6302 AD: The remaining settlers are accepted into Golgath, which begins to breach the surface and build above ground. The Oathsworn are officially established, founded in honor of the sacrifice of criminals whom gave their lives to save those whom banished them. 6304 AD: The first Oathsworn assaults retake surrounding settlements and thus leads to the current borders today. This marks the end of the Age of Dangh'Vah. [/hider] [hider=The Bastion of Crime: by William Hawthorne] [i]But high she shoots through air and light, Above all low delay, Where nothing earthly bounds her flight, Nor shadow dims her way. -Oh that I had wings[/i] Airships are one of mankind's greatest inventions (second only, of course, to the Skylands). It is in this humble author's opinion however that even such creations may have had less impact in comparison to such vehicles. The Airship has given us the means to not only ferry goods far more swiftly than by carriage or foot, but the means to travel with far more comfort. With these wondrous machines we explore new territory in greater safety and destroy threats with far more ferocity than ever before. Despite this, such vessels have also become tools of crime and violence. Nowhere is this more realized than in the, if you will pardon my language, "Bastard's Bastion". This 5-deck beast of an airship was once destined to be the Dangh'Vah Flagship "Dahkral's Wrath" named after the king of the mythical first Dwarf settlement Gundvir. It has in the years since it's theft, been overhauled even more to become an almost literal floating fortress. Indeed, the only reason it's captain and crew were captured was due to their being heavily intoxicated while the 'ship was landed for resupply! Whilst engaged with the Algrian Navy not far from San Velais, this lone vessel managed to repel no less than 6 different attackers! Engineers and alchemists from all across the world have come to study this vessel to try and reveal the secrets that allow it's wood and steel hull from repelling all but the most the most vicious of assaults. At it's peak, the vessel itself housed no less than 40-some weapons, stationed along gun-ports on either flank and on the top deck itself. Ranging from Dangh'Vah "Machine Guns" to artillery and even several flamethrowers, woe be unto any fool whom would dare cross such a foul machine... [/hider] [b]Content/details I am currently working on fleshing out or acquiring:[/b] [i][b]I am in particular need of a Co-Op at this time, mostly to handle rulings in the IC itself and help accept players. If you're interested, drop me a PM.[/b][/i] Nations and factions (Minor nations and Criminal elements/political groups respectively) Technology (specifically regarding exotic weapons) Airships (Specifications for the Bastard's Bastion specifically, ought to have these up sometime later today) [hr] [Center=Align][b][i]The Rules AKA Holy Gospel[/i][/b][/Center] [b]1)[/b] Godmodding, don't do it. I'm willing to be flexible but if you make a habit of writing yourself out of impossible scenarios and/or go all marysue on us, I reserve the right to go "Final Destination" on you. And I do so enjoy killing problem characters in absurd manners from time to time. [b]2)[/b] Don't be afraid to get messy/into details about certain things, but keep it in line with the site rules. I don't wanna have make the outhouse contents roll down on others because a Mod got mad about someone's actions under my watch. [b]3)[/b]If you have a problem with someone else's actions, take it to PM discussion, if you STILL can't resolve the issue there,all disputing parties can PM me and I'll try to help settle the matter. [b]4)[/b] OP is love, OP is life, obey my rulings or there will be strife....and possibly an oversized goat falling on your character, killing them instantly. [b]5)[/b] Despite that, I'm not god, I can be at fault from time to time...If you don't like my call and others agree my actions were unfair, get a group together and ya'll can PM me. [b]6)[/b] If you're going to be gone for extended periods of time (more than a week) drop me a heads up, anything over a week without warning and you disappear to the sidelines for the time being, 2 weeks (without warning) and a random flock of angry ravens might eat you alive. We all have lives outside this, but if you don't think you can manage a post a week, lemme know before you apply. I'll try to find a way to explain the long disappearances. [b]7)[/b] If you are fighting another player, work out (via PM or wherever else) how the fight will go down before hand. If you just suddenly decide to pull out a cutlass and behead one of your PC crew-mates without their consent because they said something about your mother's feet, all the lights will go out (including the sun if it is up), it will become very dark, and you will [i]very[/i] likely be eaten by a Grue. [b]8)[/b] Have fun, no seriously, I'm building this world for you to go hog-wild in. It shouldn't feel like a chore to have to post all the time. [b]9)[/b] Should've put this higher on the list, but don't make a habit of one-liner posts. I'd prefer if you never used them at all, but there may be an odd moment or two where there really isn't much to be said or thought about. A solid paragraph is all I ask. [b]10)[/b] If you have an idea to improve the setting in some way, shape or form, tell me. I love constructive criticism, we all learn from our faults. [b]11)[/b] If you've managed to somehow not fall asleep after getting this far, when the application comes up, add any one of these following words somewhere in your application so I know you've managed to read it all and you accept these rules: Kilgore,Teapot,Slingshot,Fairy,Snuff,Snout,Candlestick,Cartographer. [hr] [center=align][u][i][b]The Application[/b][/i][/u][/center] Remember to delete all items (in Parentheses) [b][i] AND DON'T FORGET TO READ THE RULES[/i][/b] [b]Character Name:[/b] (Pretty obvious.) [b]Sex|gender:[/b] (Really obvious.) [b]Race:[/b] (Dangh'Vah, Human, Aivas or Ornok, Shae'Hallam can be any of these 4 but are albino in appearance, if you have an idea for another race, please refer to the "Race app" at the bottom of this post.) [b]Appearance:[/b] (A picture will work, A good description will work as well) [b]Distinguishing features:[/b] (Any notable scars, tattoos, things that would make them stand out?) [b]Age:[/b] (30-400 for Dwarf 15-30 for humans, 15-50 for Aivas, 5-10 for Ornoks) [b]Occupation:[/b] (What'd you do before you ended up in prison?) [b]Crime:[/b] (What got you locked up? Get creative, did you actually do it?) [b]Starting Equipment:[/b] (What gear did you find when you came aboard and during the breakout? The are no named weapons manufacturers yet, so be as creative as you like) [b]Personal Items:[/b] (Things that hold sentimental value, lockets, lucky charms, religious texts etc.) [b]Personality:[/b] (The life blood of your character.) [b]Character Quest:[/b] (what does your character want most in life? revenge for an old slight? wealth? fame? This will be your goal if/when the plot slows down too much for your taste) [b]Bio:[/b] (If personality is the lifeblood of your character, this is its heart. No length requirements. Go as short or long as you want.) [b]Theme Song:[/b] (For those aurally minded, or just dramatic like me, a song is always nice. Gives ambiance and adds atmosphere to your character. ENTIRELY OPTIONAL) [b]RP Example:[/b] (If you don't have any threads you'd like to present, write me 2-3 paragraphs of your character looking back on their old life.) [hr] [center=align][u][i][b]Optional applications[/b][/i][/u][/center] [b]Race application[/b] [b]General Appearance:[/b] (Give a general description of typical appearance. Pictures are excellent, but a detailed written description will suffice) [b]Age span:[/b] (General lifespan, basically how old do they get and a baseline for adult age) [b]Notable cultural practices:[/b] (Any unusual practices this race generally upholds? Optional, but if you want to add a bit more flavor than you think the below section covers, add here) [b]Explanation:[/b] (Brief history of the race, are they nomadic? do they settle in any one particular nation or nations?) Also adding, in light of the last portion of the 'Race' app. [b]Nation Application[/b] [b]Major populations:[/b] (what races make up the bulk of this nation?) [b]Population[/b] (Algria is considered staggeringly large at a population of just shy of a billion souls, the smallest kingdoms/nations only number around 120 million, Troikus is in the middle at around 650 Million citizens) [b]Notable cultural practices:[/b] (Do they have an unusual governing body? Particularly odd celebrations/festivals?) [b]Brief History:[/b] (as with races, offer a bit of flavor, cite major events in the nation's history, don't be afraid to make up a minor nation or two to wage war with but try not to stretch the realms of reality)