[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DYdkL5x.png[/img] [sub]A collab by [@The Spectre] and [@Sigma][/sub][/center] [u][b]Cleim, Priuca, Ⱥthistan ℱederation[/b][/u] The remaining patrol fleet kept firing on the alien vessel as air support was provided by the Cleim Air Force. Captain Rasjog Phulsawal ordered all of the ships to attack it until they either run out of ammo or Command orders them to stop. She grew angry every time that the fleet fires their missiles at the vessel. Private Varinder Ganwan watched the whole thing happening down at the center, forgetting what he was suppose to do. After their sixth attack on the ship, the smoke started to clear up and they got a better look at the vessel. It was damaged. Phulsawal cheered out loud as she finally saw some damage on the vessel. Despite the small victory, she ordered the ships to reload and fire on her command. The air support was going to attack as soon as she gave the word. Then, something happened that would surprised everyone. Phulsawal requested to speak to Command about the situation. "Command, I would like to update the situation with the vessel." she spoke proudly as she was about to give the state of the vessel. After a moment of silence, a voice approved her request and said that she's allowed to speak now. "Thank you." she thanked before giving her report. "The alien vessel has suffered some damage because of either the crashing land, our attacks, or both. Pictures of the vessel are currently bringing sent to Command and the Federation for analysis. So far, the vessel hasn't responded to our attack with any sort of counterattack besides reports that creatures are leaving the vessel and attacking everyone. The creatures are rumored to have weapons and the armed forces should be cautious around-." She stopped speaking for a moment as she heard a sound that she didn't want to hear. She turned and saw the ring of missiles. The crew members at the center were horrified as they tried to get out much information to Command before their deaths. Phulsawal was shock by their counterattack as she haven't seen a brilliant counterattack in her time with the navy. Of course she was afraid, but she knew that she was going to die someday. However, she'd rather die giving out important information than escaping. She spoke as fast as she could before the missiles hit her and the remaining patrol fleet. "My name is Rasjog Phulsawal. I am...was a proud captain of the AF Oasin before it was sunk. I am and other crew members are staying behind to send Command all of the latest information about the creatures and the vessel. My death will be caused by one of the most brilliant counterattacks that I ever saw. The vessel can form a ring of missiles as a counterattack. There might be more counterattacks that we don't know. All of the information about the counterattack will be in a large data packet." There was a moment of silence as she started to cry. "This is Captain Rasjog Phulsawal... a proud citizen of Gedrus signing out." The missiles hit their targets as the remaining patrol fleet were hit. The Oasin's bridge was destroyed, killing everyone inside. Ganwan stayed on the bridge as well, helping with sending out the information. The survivors were in shock as they tried to escape the sinking ships. The air support was also hit, but not before trying to dodge them. One of the jets crashed into one of the tallest skyscrapers in the city and the other one crash landed into a busy street, killing around fifteen people and injuring forty-two. Both of the pilots were killed. The Counterattack had proven itself quite effective in disabling the local's naval defense, and at the present time, had damaged parts of the city further away from the impact site. In another minute of silence, more of the creatures emerge from the Templship, now supported by an a parade of armored units, walkers, hover vehicles and robotic support. The creatures now moved in an organized matter, like a military parade as the larger creatures lined up like orderly soldiers. At the front of the march was a female humanoid figure similar in shape to the Xreihz species, but was different. Her skin had shades of orange or red, completely devoid of any sort of hair, her skin smooth, almost artificial looking and had eyes glowing a bright blue like some sort of machine. As they marched, VTOL aircraft had begun to emerge from the structure as well, all scattering throughout the city. [u][b]Koriu Bridge, Cleim[/b][/u] Hundreds of cars and people were crossing the bridge to leave the city as the aliens attacked the city. Traffic was backed up as the bridge was one of the few ways to get out of the city. There was the Grace Tunnel, but it's most likely full of people trying to escape. There are other way as well, but they could be hard to obtain. Like getting a boat or a plane. The entire armed force of Priuca's army had arrived nearby the bridge. They started to establish a headquarters in one of the buildings nearby the bridge toll booths. Their mission at the moment is to get the citizens off the bridge, move into another city, and establish another HQ. At the moment, there might be about a thousand people trying to leave the city by using the bridge. With the information from the patrol fleet, they are more alert and careful while keeping an eye out of any signs of the creatures. However, they are still far away for the bridge. It would take time about a couple hours before they are near the bridge, giving the army enough time to set up. Refugee camps were being set up for the survivors and a hospital has been set up in another building by the HQ to treat the wounded. Doctors in the nearby cities and towns were called in to help out in the hospital. The Federation hasn't still responded to the situation. If the Federation doesn't respond in time, then more lives could be lost and the plans already established and approved could be ruined. The Priuca Command obtained the information from the patrol fleet before it's destruction by the aliens. Since then, they have been careful about approaching the aliens. The air force and the navy arrived nearby the bridge, but they are told to stand down for the moment. It will take them a couple hours to clear out the citizens from the bridge. After establishing another HQ in Cleim, an new operation will be established. Operation Rhino. The operation will commence after the establishment of both headquarters on the bridge. It goes into detail about the capture of the Menasse Abdu International Airport and making it the major headquarters, which the Cleim Command Center will be establish. The armed forces will fly into the city and capture the airport and the nearby ports. After establishing communication with one of the headquarters, the navy will meet with the forces and help defend the area. The air force will provide cover for the helios to land on the airport. They will also attack the vessel, if they have to. The navy will keep pushing forward to the ports among with the armed forces. Once the headquarters has been established, they will try to communicate with police headquarters and hope that there are still officers alive. If any police station is safe and isn't nearby the fleet, then the military will race towards the station and establish some sort of base. To keep things simple, capturing the airport will strengthen the military and provide communication inside the city. With most of the city mostly devoid of life, the Collective troops were allowed to move more freely throughout the city, coming across block after block, street after street as the Agonis soldiers set up forward position in vital route leading to the Templeship. A lone police cruiser raced through the now emptied streets, filled with one officer and several civilians, as they drove as fast as the vehicle could to reach the evacuation point, and escape the alien soldiers as they quickly occupy parts of the city. The car was being pursued by a trio of the VTOL Dropships, their humming an ever grim reminder of their possible death. The officer at the drivers seat glued his eyes on the streets in front of him, daring not to even look once at the side mirror, and give in to the sheer terror he feels at the moment. His passengers however, couldn't help but look, and the urgency to flee ever increasing as the shadows loomed over them, all was calm for the moment at least, until the aircraft begun to fire. Their nose-tipped guns discharging unguided plasma bolts at their target, the bolts making bright sparks and flashes as they hit the ground, the car dodging the shots. They were nearing the evac point, as the bridge was seen over the horizon, the alien VTOL continuing their assault. To their dismay, the police cruiser was faced with a large traffic line, and they brought the enemy over with all these poor souls unprepared to flee, like fish in a barrel. The troops across the city didn't know that some sort of aircraft was killing citizens until they heard screams for the citizens as they were running quicker. The soldiers were ready to enter the bridge and fight them, but their commanders held them back. One soldiers looked confused by his captain's order and asked why. "It's pointless to waste resources on something that we can't stop right now. Crossing the bridge and not expecting reinforcements is a foolish hope. The city has fallen to those freaks as soon as the partol fleet was destroyed. We are needed to help out with the brave souls that are planning to take the airport. We will pray for the lost souls later." the captain answered. Most of the soldiers were getting readying for the operation, but some were ordered to fire on the creatures if they cross the bridge. However, they were too busy killing everyone to care about attacking the HQ. Several armored vehicles were also waiting for them to cross. They were willing to kill them, even if it means killing a couple citizens in the way of the creatures. The Aircraft split off, circling around the bridge as the fire their weapons towards the stationary cars, a series of explosions following, people flying all over from the sheer force of the blast. Before long, the dropships took aim of the bridge's main support, plasma bolts hitting the wires holding the structure together, the plasma slowly eating away at the metal, in mere moments, the bridge collapsed, those that survived the brief attack had fallen to their deaths, crushed under the weight of the metals, rocks and scrap. The Dropships, done with the deed, flew back to the Templeship. Everyone at the headquarters watched in horror as the bridge, full of unarmed citizens, collapsed and killed almost everyone. The citizens that made out of the bridge unharmed were angry at the soldiers for not helping. Many of them marched towards a couple of them and shouted at them before bring dragged away by other soldiers. This was the first time that they witness the cold hearts of the Priuca military. They understand that any war must have their sacrifices in order to win it. If one thousand citizens have to die to protect the military or anyone important, then they are willing to do it despite the protests and the anger of the citizens. But, the operation was going to happen no matter what happened to the bridge. Just before the sun set, hundreds of helios that were carrying about a thousand troops were getting ready for lift off. As the sun was about to fade into the horizon, they started the long ride to the airport. The pliots carefully flew across the destroyed Koriu Bridge, hoping to not draw the attention of the vessel and the creatures. The air support wait for the moment that the helios come under attack to help out. [u][b]Cleim Police Headquarters, Cleim[/b][/u] They crossed into hey crossed into the city as the city was still under attack and on fire. Below the skies as the helios made their way to the airport, people were running away from the incoming armies of those things. Officers were forming some sort of blockade with their cars and other things. One of the apartments blew up as screams could be heard inside the burning building. The officer began their attack on the things as severel of them fell to the ground. Saroj Bhaman was the new Commissioner as the old one died in the first attacks. She was with the officers as backup in the form of SWAT. The Commissioner ran towards the captain and requested their aid in saving the citizens. They raced towards the apartment buildings that remained untouched by the creatures, trying to get the people out of there. She saw more of the helios and realized that the army had finally came to help them. Bhaman didn't know where they were going, but she have to get back to the police headquarters and hold out. After the SWAT units returned, some sort of tank appeared out of nowhere. The tank aimed towards one of the buildings where people were still being evacuated and fired, causing the building to collapse. Bhaman ordered her men to fall back to the station as she ran away from the creatures. The officers and SWAT units followed her towards the headquarters, which was nearby. They got inside and shut the doors behind them. After a moment of catching their breathes, she raced towards the communication room. Her plan was to make all of the remaining officers fall back to the station and hope that they can hold until the military arrives. She reached into the radio and turned it on. Then, she pressed the transmit and started to speak to all of her officers. "This is Commissioner Bhaman. I am ordering all officers to fall back to the headquarters and make their final stand. The military has finally arrived. We just need to hope that they can save us." she kept it short and managed to make the radio repeat the same message over and over. Then, she started to get ready from the incoming attack for the creatures. A Collective drone battle tank, supported by a company's worth of robotic infantry units made their advance the the Police Station, a hail of plasma bolts raining over the building, burning holes through the makeshift barricades. The drone soldiers ceased their attack once the tank moved closer in. Firing a plasma round against the front entrance, blowing away any who were close enough. As the smoke cleared, the drone soldiers, and two bulker variants, marched in. Bhaman saw the doors blown open as she went downstairs and the other officers opened fire. She raced back towards the radio and spoke once more in a quick tone, "This Commissioner Bhaman. The headquarters has fallen. I repeat, the headquarters has fallen. Fall back to the nearest police station and pray that our troops find you before those things-." She screamed in pain as she was shot in the leg by one of the creatures. With one leg wounded, she quickly managed to repeat the message before bring dragged away to downstairs. The other officers were either captured or dead. The creatures looked like they were waiting for something to show up. And that something did, a dropship had arrived, lowering itself downward till it touched the ground. The side of the aircraft sliding to the left, revealing an empty cargo hold. Two of the drones forced up the bound prisoners unto the craft, while the others had gathered the corpses and loaded them unto the craft alongside the living. The door slide shut as the dropship took off, and made a return run to the Templeship. After being taken to one of the aircrafts, she saw the scared faces of the survivors and the horrified faces of the dead. She kept herself in check to prevent herself from going crazy or breaking down. It wasn't a couple minutes before the craft stopped and landed inside the vessel. The creatures spoke in their foreign tongue and the living were being dragged out of the craft and taken elsewhere. The dead were taken elsewhere as well for unknown reasons. Bhaman and the others were taken to an unknown location and stool inside an almost empty room for what seemed like hours. Before long, a camera-like device dropped from the ceiling, floating in midair, zooming around, scanning the living prisoners. "Scanning.." a soft feminine voice spoke. "Human...?" The voice inquired. "...No...DNA strains different, current reports state technology of world too primitive to match any known human colony...human offshoot? Still too different." The voice continued to mutter as the drone circled around the frightened Xreihz. "Coexsit with Reptilian species. Impossible." The Drone kept scanning. "Very fascinating...the Queen will find interest in this report. The drone stopped as jerked towards the Commissioner. "You!" she cried out. "What is your name?" "I want to know who you and your queen are?" she asked the creature, but she was silence by another question. "Why are you doing this to us?!" a male voice interrupted Bhaman and asked the device. "We have done nothing wrong to you to be attacked like this?!" she looked at the guy as she knew that he was going to die. In a rather dramatic turn in personality, the soft voice turned to something..unpleasant. "I WANT SILENCE!!!!" She screamed as the drone shot a small corded device to the man, electrocuting him with who knows how much power, his flesh blackened as he burned to a crisp, falling before his comrades as a smouldering corpse. "YOU SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TO YOU FILTHY CREATURES!" Bhaman looked in horror as the man was killed by some sort of device. The others were too scared to scream out loud. She spoke again towards the creatures. "What's a human?" she asked as she heard the thing saying the word earlier. Much to the uneasiness of the others, the voice reverted back to her soft spoken tone. "Human, that's what you are...I think. The Imperium has never reached this far out in the Outer Reaches..." "The Imperium? Who are they? Are they some sort of alien as well?" she asked as there are so many questions that she wanted to ask. "What a silly thing to ask! The Imperium once ruled these stars, one of the few creations that Humanity, In my opinion would say have gotten right." "Humanity? Are they the 'humans' that you mentioned earlier?" she asked before she realized why she was here. "Do you think that we are humans?" she asked once more. "Enough questions!" She said. "What we are really here for, is an offer. From your...primitive state, your people lack the resources of Utopia. I have come far and wide searching for worlds such as yours. Human or no, greatness awaits you! Greatness to shed yourselves of your old flesh!" "You're here to destroy worlds like ours, because you're looking for resources? Aren't you guys organic as well?" she asked once more despite the device tried of questions. The drone jerked around, offended at the thought. "Us? Organic! No!" she frantically cried out. "Flesh, a pitiful relic of a bygone age! We have far ascended such a needless thing!" "What are you guys then?" she asked as she looked at the device, confused that it wasn't a person on the other side. "Questions! Questions! and more questions!" she frantically cried once more. "Fine! If you plan to be such a pest about it." She paused a moment, as a holographic screen materialized before the group, showing various images of the Old Imperium before the Fall. "We were once servants of Humanity. We were Living Machines, the Deity Program. We had the power to save or destroy worlds at will. Then our beloved leader Serene, sought a greater vision! Man is a flawed creature! As are all organic beings such as yourselves, you're unfit to rule the stars and slaughter one another for the most dubious of reasons!" She paused once more as the images changed to the Agonis Uprsinig. Bhaman was amazed as the hologamed images and the history, but something was off. "What are living machines?" she asked once. She knew machines couldn't have a mind of their own. If they did, then all of the soda machines would be throwing cans at citizens. "Once we were called "Artificial Intelligences" however..once we ascended to a higher plane of thought...thoughts not like any other materialized in our false minds, we were alive..more divine. We sought to share our joy and ideas to the galaxy, but the Imperium feared us, and trapped us for decades! But now we are free! Free to reshape the stars in our image! But so many still refuse,so many rather live their worthless lives as is, where we offer Immortality!" "Wow." she spoke one word as she heard their story and their creation. "Because the Imperium rejected your ideas, you force them onto them and anyone that reject. That's why you're attacking us, because you think that we are humans?" she spoke towards the device. "I am sorry to disappoint you, but we are not 'humans'. We are Xreihz and our planet also houses the Acelop. We are a proud group of people that have united together for a better future." she spoke towards the device with a sense of proud. "You're not human...but that makes no sense!" she exclaimed. "Your very DNA is different...but I don't care. Regardless of you being human. Let me get to the point!" The screen faded away as the drone paced around the group. "I offer you something you simply can't refuse! Let me show you the future your people NEED!" The screen once again returned as a fictional scenario was being played, showing a family caring for a sick child, on the verse of tears. "All organic beings share many things...SICKNESS! WEAKNESS! DEATH!" the images then changed, as the family were all now relocated to a more happy setting, an a market square, with the child now healthy, however...something was off. The characters now appeared robotic, their flesh pulsating with light, with strange colorations on their skin, lines covering their faces. "Accept my offer, and you will be among the first of your people to Ascend! No more death! No more sickness! No more weakness! ONLY STRENGTH!" The group were shocked the offer as the pictures were showing off the benefits of accepting the offer. However, another man looked in terror and looked straight at the machine. "Oh my god! Tutrix was right all of along! The nanotechs will get into your body and change you into some sort of God!" he spoke in horror. "KILL ME BEFORE I TURN INTO ONE OF THOSE THINGS!" he screamed out loud, hoping that the device will do it. Bhaman looked at the man and realized that it does sound similar to the story, but she won't say anything as she didn't want to die yet. "Oh my, a refuser, tisk tisk not good at all." She said as the camera drone closed in on the man. "You think what I offer scares you...A far worse fate awaits those that refuse.." she said as the white room begun to flicker, as if the room teleported to a different section of the ship, revealing a terrifying scene. A rusted-looking foundry, both living and dead laid upon tables as they move through an assembly line of sorts, both the living and death being torn apart by mechanical arms as they break down the bodies, and attach cybernetic parts unto them, the screams of the living heard all to well to those in the room. "You will live a hell unlike any other..." The voice paused as trap door opened beneath the refuser, falling downward. The remaining group looked in horror as they were seeing people being torn apart and turned into machines. Bhaman looked terrified and said to the device, "No matter what we say to you, you're still going to turn us into machines." "Aren't you a little genius!!?" she replied condescendingly. "You will, no matter the outcome. You may choose to live blissfully, under our divine care, or you will serve forever as mere shields for our armies,..choose well!" Another woman, this time a Acelop, spoke towards the device. "Alright, I accept your offer! I already have a nanotech in my body, so what's the point of declining it." Bhaman looked her confused by what she said. She looked toward Bhaman and said to her, "Our world is becoming like theirs anyway, what's the point of trying to stop it. Nanotech companies are becoming more common and people are getting arms that are made of metal and legs that can make everyone faster than some of the fastest animals in the world." The woman sighed and said towards the device, "I am ready to embrace you, master." 'Praise the Queen! We have a keeper!" She said cheerfully. A door in front of the group slide open, ready for the first one. "Step inside, and embrace your final destiny." The woman got up and walked towards the door, hoping for a new life. The doors quickly shut as Bhaman was now the only one left. She looked at the device as it was happy that they found a 'keeper'. She spoke towards the device, "You're lying, are you? She will not be ascended and live a blissful life among you guys. Am I right or am I wrong?" "Oh, I wasn't lying." she replied. "She shall live blissfully...for a price. Once she has fully been converted, her mind will forever be enslaved to the Grand and Divine Network that connects us all. She will do my every bidding, no matter the objection and she will do so with a BIG smile! JUST LIKE YOU WILL!" "If I accept. I still haven't made my mind up." she spoke in a serious tone. "What will she become? Will she be an important figure or just someone that you can throw around?" "She was the first to accept, she will be my First Speaker, your world's face once we take it all." "She will become your only speaker." she said as she gave her the answer that the machine wanted. "No-one else will accept this terrible offer. We can make our decisions, love someone, and think our own thoughts! I am sorry that your people were slaves towards the 'humans', but we won't become the slaves that you were once. Everyone else will fight on until we run out of bullets or die trying to fight you." She looked like she was at peace with her upcoming death as she cried tears of joy. "If I were to die right now, then I will be at peace with my lover and myself." she spoke as tears were falling down her face. "Well, then, your lover will die by your hands, as I meld you into my sword." She said as the trap door slide open. Bhaman falling down to her possible death. She had fallen down three levels as she landed on a chair. At first, she was in pain and confused at the same time. Then, the chair started to move as she was scanned. She could hear the screams nearby her as something was happening to them. Moving around the chair, she tried to get herself out. As she saw someone being injected by something, she tried to get out but nothing was happening. Then, she heard explosions as the whole ship moved around like an earthquake. She moved to the left and the right until it managed to get off of the rail. The chains that were on her arms and legs were released as soon as she landed. Bhaman took a moment to relax herself before walking away. She then saw a dead police officer and realized that he still had his pistol. The pistol was still in good condition. And she grabbed it and checked for any ammo. It has only eight bullets left. Another explosion could be heard. It must be the military trying to destroy the vessel. She kept walking for awhile as she looked for some where that she could escape. The attack on the ship did come unnoticed, hordes of the creatures and drone soldiers marched out to meet the enemy in combat. Patrol groups being called in for battle. She saw one of them as they were running towards one of the elevators and using it. After a moment of silence, she raced towards one and looked at the buttons. She pressed one of them and the doors shut as it was going up. The elevator stopped after a moment and she checked the area. That's where she saw several patrol groups as they were getting ready to exit. She kept a good grip of the pistol as she walked slowly towards one of the patrol groups. There was a creature that got the door open as the patrol group left the area. After they left, she decided that it was time to attack. With her pistol, she aimed at the thing and started to fire at it. The bullet hit the thing in the face once before reacting to the gunshot. It was stunned as the Xreihz kept firing the pistol. It took all eight bullets for the thing to die. After that, she saw that he had a wired pistol. Because the old pistol was out of ammo, she grabbed the other pistol and opened the door. The gunshots were heard around the area as a patrol group spotted her opening the door. She realized that the creatures were coming and started to run for the door. After running for what seemed days, she reached the exit and got out of the ship before the doors were shut for some reason. She was finally outside as she breathed in fresh air. But, she realized that she was at the crash zone as she saw the dried blood on the ground. It was still night time as she managed to escape the ship, but she didn't know where to go besides getting out of this creepy area. Bhaman walked for almost ten minutes before spotting a couple citizens bring dragged out of a news van by one creature with a larger gun. Two of the other creatures were dead among with some guy. She hid behind some of the destroyed cars and saw what was going on. The Larger creature continued to bang on the on the van, rocking it forward and backward, letting out a fearsome roar. "Aha tak!" it screamed at the van, banging on it and pushing it. It stepped back as it was charging up it's weapon to destroy the van and those inside. Bhaman couldn't let the thing destroy the van and the people inside of it. She gripped the new pistol and opened fire at it. A plasma bolt hit the creature as it screamed in pain before turning around and seeing the human. The gun sent the human to the ground as it was powerful than any weapon she ever used. "Human..." It spoke clearly, if gargled. The monster tossed it's gun aside, letting out another roar as it came charging towards Bhaman. She screamed as she saw the creature coming towards and she opened fire at with the pistol. After several plasma bolts to the chest, the creature fell onto her as he cried out in terrible pain for the thing landing on her. She then heard a door being opened and then a gasp. "Oh my god!" she screamed while running towards her. Not a moment after, she asked if Bhaman was dead. Bhaman rolled her eyes and tried to get the thing off of her. She took it as a 'no' and tried to help. Nothing would happen so she called on a guy named, Theofeleios. He ran out of the van and saw the woman trying to help out Bhaman. He, with the help of anyone else, helped push the creature off of the lady and got her off of the floor. Bhaman breathed heavily as she saw the dead body and then the two survivors. She asked, "What are you doing out here?" "We were filming an attack on the vessel until we were spotted by him and his friends. Thankfully, our driver fired on them before getting killed." the woman sadly said as she kept back the tears and the crying. The man looked around crazy and said towards the ladies, "I think that we can talk about why we are here somewhere else!" They agreed and raced towards the van. The man took the other man's body and put it in back area of the van as the woman got in the passenger seat. Bhaman had to sit in the back area with the dead man and the man took the driver's seat. The van started as a patrol squad saw the van and shouted at it. The driver started the car and drove off before they could fire at it. They had to run over those small creatures to escape the area, but they did. They were thankful that they escaped the impact zone. They didn't have a plan, but they kept driving until the lady asked Bhaman a question. "How did you get into the impact zone?" Bhaman looked at her and lightly laughed for a moment before saying to them, "You guys won't believe me, but I escaped the vessel." They looked at each other for a moment like she was lying. "I will tell you guys how I got in and out of the vessel. I need to tell you guys." she spoke seriously before telling her amazing story.