As Jenso moved onward, he thought about his encounter with the Jumino. The way they died was quite unusual, and it seemed like magic had something to do with this. As the Jumino came from all sides, he kneeled down. He placed a hand on either side of him, and created flames in his hands. The flames were rather small to avoid draining too much energy. He attempted to light the grass from the threnches on fire on both sides. He wasn't sure if the fire would spread fast, but he believed that the Jemino from the left and right sides would take a longer time to reach him due to needing to run upwards. A surge of power rushed through him as he dashed forward at top speeds, aiming to weave past the first Jemino that rushed at him, followed up by a low-sweeping kick at those behind them. He needed to avoid being cornered from all sides and tried to break through.