I take a small, but deep breath. [color=f6989d]Well... we have the sushi platter, chicken lo mein, and we have a gyoza, or dumpling, plate as well...[/color] I await your orders as a co-worker of mine brings you two water. But she slips and spills it on Odin and a little on Morgan [color=f6989d]so sorry!!![/color] I immediately get the broom and mop, carefully picking up the big shards of glass and I hand the mop to the co-worker that slipped [color=f6989d]please mop this up. I have customers to take care of..[/color] but my boss makes me clean it up instead. I cut my hands on some glass by accident and he yells at me [color=f6989d]just give me my pay for doing this spare shift... it'll be enough to keep bread on the table...[/color] he hands me a $50 bill and I leave with the money with bloody hands, sobbing.