Sarah looked at the man as he entered. Her hope of this solving it self faded as he began flicking the lighter making her nervous. Trying not to look after him as he walked around her. The sudden shrieking sound made her flinch. Her face getting quite pale from Aaron's words. She began shaking and tearing up. This was not becoming a talk to resolve the problem she was not treated as one of the group. This was an interogation and he was about to torture her. "I DON*T KNOW!" she yelled out in response closing her eyes. A discharge of energy flowing allong her hair making the lights in the room and the corridor outside flicker. The energy emiting was enough to fry a nomral human alive if they touched her skin at that moment. "I just walked by the patriarchs office to leave my report when i saw her on the floor the next moment Shade attacked me. I don't know anything more i swear" As she spoke the air in the room was filled with static. And some of her veins had a faint glow about them. Her powers surging as she was close to panic.