[center][b][h1]Team Roster[/h1][/b] [b][color=blue]Blue Team. 1 - 4[/color][/b] [hider=Rooth Cobalt - Blue Team] [b]Username - Arcarius[/b] [b]Full Name:[/b] Rooth Cobalt [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Callsign or Alias:[/b] Pouncer 1-1 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Anthropomorphic Bengal Tiger [b]Team:[/b] Blue [b]Height:[/b] Standard - 8'3", In Power Armor - 9'6" [b]Weight:[/b] Standard - 364Lbs, In Power Armor and Full loadout - 984Lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zJmVEXU.png?2[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Jxhn14J.jpg?1[/img] [b]Defining features:[/b] Bionic digitigrade legs, Synthetic eyes ( Augmented vision, Hud-controllable glow illumination range from off to 1,000, Blue). Plug rig at the back of his head. Magnetic, Wire, and digital connection ports, Universal adapter, often used to interface and control computers, power armor, battle suits, and vehicles. [b]Weapons:[/b] Standard - 1. 'Daybreaker' A Custom built War Hammer which is very head heavy and has a hollowed out core for enhancment module. Typically to ignite the hammer for increased lethality. 2. A .45 semi-automatic handgun which is commonly loaded with incendiary rounds. In Power Armor - 3. A custom Khepra Armories mid range scoped battle rifle, which he commonly loads with incendiary rounds, the weapon has two firing modes, single shot and burst and is highly accurate and deadly even at long range when used correctly. 4. A CFS-6 Combination Flamethrower and 12 Gauge Shotgun, 30 round drum magazine, Hose to 4.5 gallon PyroSol-Z tank (Devastatingly toxic, extremely High-energy sticky fuel). 5. And lastly a Custom combination Missile and rocket pods. Stocks 6 60mm missiles and 6 30mm rockets. Pods also have a the capability to fire 12 small smoke grenades. Weapon is mainly used when Rooth sees something he cant reach or on a heavy target. [b]Gear:[/b] Power Armor Type: Custom AAHY17 'Pouncer' Power Armor. Close Quarters Battle Air Assault Armor. Classification: Heavy Dominance. Power Armor Details - Latest generation Airborne Power Armor. heavily customized for orbital insertion, shock attack, anti-vehicle, and neutralization of shielded targets (particularly with mass-shield generators and laser-proof armor, or in fortified buildings. Custom Khepra Armories Jetpack, uses a high-end RR X-50 Personal Kinetic pulse engine, and 4 RR M-30 Kinetic thrusters. All have been tweaked to provide 75% more thrust, at a cost of doubling energy consumption. Also loaded with electronic warfare suits and communications array. Custom missile and rocket pods, stocks 6 60mm missiles and 6 30mm rockets. Pods also have a the capability to fire 12 small smoke grenades. Weapon is mainly used when Rooth sees something he cant reach or on a heavy target. AAHM-X8-C Helmet. Prototype with full auto-senses, extends normal detection frequencies, thermal cam and imaging radar and sonar. Faceplate is fully armored, with holo-displays on both sides, inside with augmented reality tactical display, outside displays a tiger skull by default, but can display other faces as desired (used in psy-war tactics) Also features two L9 lasers under forehead plate. usually for point-defense but often used offensively. Hu-Cor CT-9 Compact Conversion Power Core. Normally mounted in high-end civilian speeders due to very high thermal output, but considering Rooth's immunity to such temperatures, has been integrated to provide for armor's very heavy-duty energy load. AI core (upper back, between jetpack and suit) Using Model470 Hybrid circuit/neuralnet module. This AI is currently 4 years old and is known by the name of 'Titan', approximately 16 human years of maturity, often described as "Rowdy but having a good heart". (When Rooth decides to use them) Khepra Armories CFS-6 Combination Flamethrower and 12 Gauge Shotgun, 30 round drum magazine, loading port for special ammunition, hose to 4.5 gallon PyroSol-Z tank (Devastatingly toxic, extremely High-energy sticky fuel). Fists enhanced with Punch-activated hydraulics to increase punch lethality. Resealing membranes in fingertips allow use of claws. Forearms equipped with bolts for quick switch of equipment, extra armor, or shields. Also forearm plate grafted from older suits to current suits, always favored by Rooth for always being there when he needed to block a melee weapon or elbow someone to death. Severely Up-Armored Composite plating, adding to the suit's mass heavily, but providing superior protection and insulation. Extra heat-resistant layers, so armor doesn't melt when Rooth gets excited. Gripper hand on tip of tail can be used to grip structures. rip armor plates off of vehicles, or maim human-sized targets. Full rotation possible and encouraged. Stripped cooling and grav-chute systems, replaced with heat-retaining under-suit. Grav-chute discarded as superfluous, as Rooth's abilities allow him to safely land from orbital insertion speeds unaided. Upgraded Strength Assist system - Using far more expensive and rare synthetic muscle tissue. At least a full order of magnitude stronger than stock armor. 'Daybreaker' A Custom built War Hammer, materials unknown, seemingly indestructible, head very heavy, has a hollowed out core for enhancement module. Typically to electrify or ignite the hammer for increased lethality. Pauldron of Ares - rewarded to Rooth by the Mainline Human-controlled L-Corp Defense Systems. Features a powerful matter-disruptor that enshrouds the pauldron and surrounding armor with a disruptor field that pulverizes all matter that comes in contact with it. Ideal for Smashing though walls, armor, and people. [b]Character items:[/b] A pair of hand cuffs attached to his tail the symbolizes self control, Ornamental Tritium Necklace (Glows unusually bright, more so when Rooth is feeling hopeful) Eagle pendant (Always on, symbolic item representing flight, vision, and can be seen as a phoenix; rebirth) [b]Abilities:[/b] Pyrokinetic - Rooth has the ability to create and control Fire, which he can use for offensive or defensive purposes, but he has to be in direct contact with it. Psychokinetic - Zero Range, can only use to augment own physical strength and toughness, Glows when in use, strength dependent on mental state, can stop small-arms fire when feeling reasonably confident. [b]Skills:[/b] Close Quarter Combat Specialist, AI Specialist, Aerial-Insertion Specialist, Cyber-Warfare Specialist. [b]Advantages:[/b] Aerial-insertion and Jump-pack Close Quarter Battle Specialist (Colloquially known as a 'Pouncer') Pyrokinetic Tactile Telekinetic Combat Engineer Mechanic [b]Disadvantages:[/b] Legs severed below the knee, requires bionics to walk. Poor running speed. (compensated in combat by power armor and preferrence for jump-pack) Pyromaniac. Very mild PTSD. Notably egotistical. Cryophobia. [b]Weakness:[/b] Anything really, he is quite normal [b]Personality:[/b] Instinctively hot-headed and impulsive, Rooth has spent many long years tempering himself to be incredibly patient and understanding, with an optimistic and altruistic attitude. Experience has made him rather pragmatic with regards to most things, though he does understand and enjoy the more artistic things in life when he's more relaxed. He also has developed a confrontational attitude with regards to authority figures he feels have not earned their position or have lost sight of their purpose. [b]Combat:[/b] Raised in the Pouncer Squads. Rooth is most comfortable in heavy power armor equipped with a jetpack. He was earmarked by his commanders for his cool head and superb marksmanship later in his career. Rooth prefers ballistic weaponry, typically notably accurate assault rifles with explosive bullets that can double as marksman weapons. In melee, Rooth tends to bring his favorite weapon, a custom 30lb Maul he's named "Daybreaker" to the party, and usually carries a very large combat knife with him as well. In all forms of combat, Rooth fights with a brutally efficient, pragmatic style, free of extravagance or flourish. He's there to fight and win, and doesn't mind taking a few hits along the way [b]Theme song:[/b] http://puu.sh/qu2ps/54ef08910a.mp3 [b]Bio:[/b] While bits and pieces of his history is unknown what is known, is Rooth stumbled across unknown ancient artifact created by long-extinct xeno-civilization at age of 8. The artifact merged with Rooth and re-formed itself around his heart, and granted him pyrokinetic abilities and an internal AI named "Milo" which he would find out about later in life. At the age of 13 he lost his vision from an unknown cause and had to get Synthetic eyes which he grew fond of. At the age of 17 he was found to have talent as an airborne shock-trooper for The Republic of Haljin, which he quickly rose and met all qualifications. At age 20, lost legs from the knee down to a heavy rail-cannon fired from a Razvan tank at the defense of the Planetary Palace which is located in The Republic of Haljin territory, during what was known as the Seker Uprisings. At the age of 24 he found himself joining the The Titan Confederation after losing his parents in a small skirmish between The Republic of Haljin and The Razvan Empire a year before while was out on a privet job for Khepra Armories, inturn he blamed both teams for what happened, The Razvan Empire for there recklessness and The Republic of Haljin for not evacuating the area and not being prepared. Now his fights for what he believes in and to make both team's pay for what they did. His up most goal is to make a better world to come, the way he sees fit and he will do anything to make it happen. [b]Other Info:[/b] Rooth has a natural affinity with machinery and cybernetics. Often he is able to discern the mechanical workings of almost any device he can observe for a short while. He's also been noted to treat machinery and drones with uncommon respect, and has been caught thanking the machines he works with politely, regardless of their non-sentience. Interestingly, his equipment rarely, if ever, fails on him, and the armors, weapons and machines he's produced have shown similar reliability. In social situations, Rooth is very informal and light-hearted, quick to laughter, and is remarkably well-spoken. His voice is deep, like most tigers, but also carries with it a strange mechanical buzz. He has an artificial voice box, but it is of very high-quality, and should be completely unnoticeable to even the most well-trained ears. Some suspect he just likes the sound of a low-quality artificial voice added to his own. Morally, Rooth thinks himself as a fundamentally good person, is optimistic about most people, and at his core he is driven to do good in the universe. But he's also understanding of the fact that not all things are optimal, including himself. Embracing this imperfection has allowed him to recover quickly from his own failings. Deep down, however, Rooth suffers from a mild martyr complex. When stressed, he often throws himself into his tasks with reckless abandon, often putting himself at risk with the intent of sacrificing himself for a greater cause. While providing some benefits, such as the ability to ignore physical pain when in such a driven state, it has made many of his friends worried for his health, both physical and mental. As a final note: It is highly advisable not to get on Rooth's bad side. Though he is rather slow to anger, understanding of people's flaws, and easy to get along with, shows of blatant, inexplicable malicious intent are often met with an incredibly hostile response. Rooth's reaction to high levels of frustration is often very hot, emotional and ineffectual, but his true anger is as cold as the void, and he is very patient and can be tremendously sadistic, and very forgiving of himself for whatever he does if he truly feels justified. [/hider] [b][color=red]Red Team. 1 - 4[/color][/b] [hider=Radek Yerez - Red Team] [b]Username - Wikk[/b] [b]Full Name:[/b] Radek Yerez [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Callsign or Alias:[/b] Parzival [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Anthropomorphic canine. [b]Team:[/b] Red [b]Height:[/b] 5’4” [b]Weight:[/b] 115 lbs. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/wgKavmX.jpg]Radek Yerez[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/dcQTTxc.jpg]XT-54 Exo-Armor[/url] (Cockpit canopy seals up when operational.) [b]Defining features:[/b] Unusually for a modern soldier, he completely lacks any sort of augmentation. [b]Weapons: [/b] One 9mm Kudraz-Molos “Velzon” machine-pistol. This is a pretty standard exo-armor crewman personal weapon. In exo-armor: 2x Yeltaz Arms "Longinus" 105mm main guns. The primary armament of the XT-54. Its autoloader system ensures a high rate of fire, although operational manuals stress restraint; malfunctions and even barrel breakage is not uncommon when the weapon system is pushed to its limits. 2x Yeltaz Arms 20mm autocannons. Secondary armament. These are mounted just below the 105mm guns. Primarily intended for anti-infantry purposes, although can also be used to attack light vehicles. HE makes up the majority of their ammo loadout. [b]Gear:[/b] [center]Battlesuit Type: Standard Loadout XT-54 ‘Gahmuret’ Exoskeleton.[/center] [center]Classification: Medium Exo-Armor.[/center] [center]Battle Suit Details: The XT-54 ‘Gahmuret’ is one of the most widely produced and fielded by the Empire, and is arguably the face of their exo-armor corps. Although well-protected and capable of decent speed, its manoeuvrability is limited. While the upper body has a good traverse, turning for the legs is inferior to its contemporaries. It has limited range thrusters for tactical maneuvering, evasion and short jumps only, and is otherwise dependent upon its own legs or other transport vehicles to move from battlefield to battlefield. With the Empire’s emphasis on quantity over quality, the ergonomics of the vehicle leave much to be desired, and the crew space is notoriously confining. Additionally, its anti-missile countermeasures just aren’t up to modern standards. As a medium exo-armor, its primary role is to engage other vehicles and provide support for the infantry.[/center] [b]Gear:[/b] The XT-54 is outfitted with the following: - 2x smoke grenade launchers. - On-board Virtual Intelligence assistant. It is rather stupid compared to the full-fledged AIs other nations have at their disposal. This is partly a cost-saving measure, partly a consequence of the Razvan Empire’s backwards technology, and partly due to doctrine’s insistence that pilots rely more on their own intuition than a machine’s. - Vision Suite. This includes several zoom modes, NVG, Thermal Imaging and other optics. - Automated fire extinguisher. A drawback of this system is that it invariably floods the cockpit with toxic chemicals by the very nature of its function, forcing the pilot to either be wearing a rebreather during its operation or to bail out. - NBC protection (although it’s not quite up to par with its contemporary systems.) - Stabilized gun system. This allows the XT-54 to remain locked onto a target and fire while on the move. - Pod-mounted camera. Primarily used for reconnaissance and to capture propaganda footage, but also used to properly credit kills to pilots. Outside of the Exo-Armor, he has his piloting jumpsuit and helmet. He has some emergency tools, although these are primarily for cutting his way out of the suit if he finds it locked on him due to battlefield damage or other malfunction. Repairs beyond simple field fixes are generally handled by support personnel in Razvan doctrine. [b]Character items: [/b] - Vehicle Destruction Armband in Silver: A simple silver-coloured fabric armband worn on the upper right arm that is awarded to pilots for the destruction of 15 enemy vehicles in a single engagement. - Razvan Imperial League Badge: Not a military decoration, but rather a badge used to denote distinguished members of the Razvan political movement, typically awarded for long-term service or other noteworthy commitment. It consists of the insignia of the Razvan Empire on a circular pin. - A personal palm computer. Notably it contains his journal, which he hopes to use to someday write his memoirs so that he may inspire future generations of Razvan youths to martial heroism and valour. - A fragment taken from the wreckage of his first XT-54, which was destroyed in combat. It is about the size of a small pebble. [b]Abilities:[/b] Mech Soul – Through some peculiar intuition, he is able to squeeze greater performance out of his machine than what should be possible. The level of control he can exert over his machine is comparable to even augmented pilots. If his present track record is indicative, it’s believed he may find himself among the Razvan Empire’s top aces before the war is through. It’s possibly either a tall tale or propaganda, but other pilots have reported that he’s even forced his machine to keep operating despite the destruction of its vital components with this ability of his. Fanatical Zeal – He is able to call upon the sheer strength, bravery, and willpower bestowed upon him by his unwavering belief in the Razvan ideal. With it, he is able to push himself beyond his limits and withstand odds and terrors that would daunt any other soul. Both of these abilities are the result of latent, although low-key, psychic power. When taken in for examination, it was determined that these are more or less the limits for his psychic capabilities, and there would be no way to elevate his powers beyond this. [b]Skills:[/b] Gunnery Specialist, Exo-Armor Specialist, Ambushing and Camouflage Specialist, Public Relations. [b]Advantages[/b] Excellent gunner. Superb pilot. Unwavering resolve. Good at motivating others. Patriotic. [b]Disadvantages[/b] Scrawny and would be fairly unimposing outside of his vehicle. Doesn’t know a huge amount about his machine beyond what’s in the manual, and while he has a knack for operating machines, he doesn’t know a great deal about how to repair them. His methodical style of combat is often at ends with more mobile fighting. While he doesn’t truly hate his enemies, this still doesn’t mean that he’s all that willing to collaborate with them, listen to them, or go easy on them if he perceives it’ll in any way disadvantage him or his nation. Has an almost neurotic fixation on avoiding shame and dishonor. Patriotic. [b]Weakness:[/b] He’s a pretty normal guy, physically speaking. So, lots of stuff. [b]Personality:[/b] As a ‘true believer’ in the cause and motives of the Razvan Empire, he tends to be in high spirits. He is something of a ‘political-soldier’, fully committed to their ideological struggle and he embraces it in all aspects. At his core is an unyielding love for his people and nation. He is determined to see the empire rise and thrive at all costs, and fully believes in its supposed destiny. His personnel file in fact comments that he would probably make an ideal politician in the Razvan government once the war is won. However, his staunch belief does not translate into hot-heated jingoism as it typically does in these cases. Rather, he is overwhelmed by a contented serenity. He goes about his task with absolute certainty, free from doubt and concern. He truly believes that Razvan's victory is inevitable, but to be fair he does not believe it will be easy. Despite his fanaticism, he sees war as a clash of ideologies and interests, rather than strict good vs. evil. Although pragmatism often takes precedence in combat, it is thus not unknown for him to show mercy to his enemies. Ironically his biggest anxiety isn’t found on the battlefield, but rather day-to-day life. He is somewhat reserved when it comes to personal interactions, overly conscious of the image he presents, and is inwardly terrified of bringing embarrassment onto himself. The more observant pick up that underneath the brave face he puts on, he is actually unusually tense and shy around others. [b]Combat:[/b] “Never be in a hurry to die” is his motto. He tends to advance cautiously, exploiting cover where possible, and much prefers engaging targets from afar. "Anti-vehicular sniping", to summarize it. The engagement that earned him his Vehicle Destruction Armband was a perfect example of the sort of bait-and-ambush style he prefers. “Lurk, withdraw, upon them”, as it is stated in maxim-form within the Razvan Empire’s armor operations manual. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxKBCLPP20s]I felt like having[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MiIThJ7f88]two for some reason.[/url] Non-combat and combat, I guess :B [b]Bio:[/b] Radek Yerez had a rather inauspicious, unremarkable beginning, growing up in an ordinary middle-class family in a typical urban district. Both parents were teachers. Radek diverged from this, and instead studied journalism. However, with the emergence of the Razvan as a political force, he quickly involved himself with their movement. Their ideals and dreams for the nation matched his own, and he soon found himself as a writer for the party’s press releases and papers (or propaganda rags, as detractors would put it.) It was men like Radek Yerez that helped fan the flames of military rearmament and war, who urged the populace into claiming their rightful place in the universe through blood and steel, who preached the virtues of strength, honour and duty. When Razvan had finally attained the military of which their planners and ideologues had dreamed, Radek was among those that poured into enlistment upon the outbreak of war, eager to at last practice what he had preached. At first he served as a battlefield journalist, but he was soon repurposed when a demand was put out for more combat personnel after the initial waves of casualties. The aptitude tests he was pressed into found he has a remarkable knack for exo-armor piloting, and that was thus where he found himself bound. This suited him fine. After all, in his mind, the time for words was all but over: Razvan needed action now. [b]Other Info:[/b] To Radek, his job in propaganda isn’t yet over. He hopes to make himself an exemplar and role model for others to follow in the footsteps of, hence his intense fear of embarrassment and other diminishment. He highlights his successes and downplays his faults and failings, just as he used to do for the Razvan Empire’s government. Some are concerned that his combat operations are in fact planned in order to bring him the most prestige and most kills, rather than to achieve proper tactical and strategic ends. He is thus seen by more negative eyes as being something of a glory hound, just a far more cautious and methodical one than most. He yearns to some day to make something of himself in the governmental hierarchy of the Empire. Not out of lust for power, but rather his belief that it would be an even greater way to serve his people once the war is won. Although that's quite a while away, isn't it? When left to his own devices, he tends to gravitate towards reading and writing. While he as a way with the written word, it is the spoken word where he tends to struggle. Where possible, he even reads and listens to the war news and broadcasts of his enemies. He derives great joy and interest from dissecting the works of others, and comparing it to his own. Although it is no longer his chief duty, he does convince command to let him write pieces for the army's publications where possible. Even as Radek the soldier, Radek the journalist remains irrepressible. Although he is an unabashed self-promoter, he also enjoys shining the spotlight on the deeds of his comrades. [/hider] [b][color=yellow]Yellow Team. 0 - 4[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=green]Green Team. 0 - 4[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=696969]Grey Team. 0 - 4[/color][/b] N/A [/center]