[h3][color=fca05a]Robel the Heliolisk[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Guild Balcony][/b] [@Light Lord] Realizing his mistake, the Heliolisk let out a groan, [color=fca05a]"...Perhaps I was hit far harder than I had thought. I suppose I did, if briefly."[/color] With furrowed brows, he watched the crowd beneath them, his eyes scanning for someone in particular, though not seeming to find them. Picking himself from his seat, he made his way beside Glyph, in order to get a better look. After a few moments of contemplation, the Heliolisk finally spoke, [color=fca05a]"...Is the Sol Sibyl not going to partake in the festivities? I would have thought such an event would have brought her out..."[/color] With his searching, the Heliolisk did find a few more characters of interest, letting out a soft grunt before making his way back over to his seat. [h3][color=beadcd]Zihark the Mienshao[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Residential District East][/b] [@Light Lord] A smile tugged at the Mienshao's lips as the Toxicroak approached him. [color=beadcd]"Absolutely wonderful evening."[/color] Turning to face the thief, a wicked grin played across his maw, [color=beadcd]"In fact, this evening has surpassed my expectations."[/color]