WIP [hider=Elizabeth the Blacksmith] Character Name: Elizabeth Pedulla Sex|gender: Female Race: Human Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0e/10/bd/0e10bd26844697b525e52f95d3df0b53.jpg[/img] Her Height is 5'2 and she weight 42 kg Distinguishing features: [url=http://orig11.deviantart.net/b628/f/2008/206/1/1/1135aafcd10b389eeff26c3d37788b3e.png]A small tattoo[/url] on her side shoulder and ear rings Age: 20 Occupation: A student to a blacksmith back home Crime: stealing non famous blades (true) and stealing a very famous sword (false) Starting Equipment: (What gear did you find when you came aboard and during the breakout? The are no named weapons manufacturers yet, so be as creative as you like) Personal Items: A locket necklace from her real mother. Personality: Character Quest: want to become a famous blacksmith Bio: When Elizabeth was a little baby, she was on the doorstep of a [url=http://content8.flixster.com/question/41/41/53/4141530_std.jpg]Cafe[/url] in a basket and she was wear a locket necklace that was left behind. The café is own by a couple [url=http://orig07.deviantart.net/02cb/f/2015/002/9/a/aerith_cosplay_by_bexxin-d8c9syu.jpg]Naylene[/url] and [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/90/ce/69/90ce69dc941ac93a395e7364ea56176f.jpg]Aira[/url] and Aira friend [url=http://oi50.tinypic.com/2iub8mc.jpg]Damaria[/url] the blacksmith who works down below. While Elizabeth was growing up at the cafe she work as a little waitress but she was more interested about how to be a blacksmith like Damaria, so by the time she turn fifth teen she become Damaria for three years after that hard work she start to make some blades but she want to make big and bright swords to make someone her name so she though about she decided to leave the cafe and explore the world. So by time when Elizabeth was eighteen she left the cafe after saying goodbye to her family, she travel far and wide to search for a blacksmith to teach her but with no luck and so little money, even her moms told her that stealing is bad she steal sometimes to get some money. When she turn twenty she met a man in a dark coat that makes sweet deals for her, without hesitation she make a deal from him and he promised her that she will get some big money, so that night he want to get something she might like and that was a giant sword, her eyes Brighten as she saw the sword but she didn't know that the sword is famous and the dark coat disappear without a trace and she was framed. Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWSIdC153kI[/url] RP Example: (If you don't have any threads you'd like to present, write me 2-3 paragraphs of your character looking back on their old life.) [/hider]