[quote=@ladyanglaise] I'll post my CS here later today :D [@Roxim Teaga] What's the name of the currency in this RP? Dollars, gold, pounds, something else? [/quote] It would seem the information I meant to add didn't get included, nuts. I'll have that back up in a bit, in the meantime: Algria and Troikus use their own "Marks" (paper currency) which are backed by the Royal treasury and Steinson&Sturm (Troikus' premier merchant guild) banks respectively. Each can be exchanged for gold/silver/copper coins respectively, but most prefer marks since no-one wants to carry 50 lbs of copper with them everywhere to pay for goods. Dangh'Vah that will actually deal with outsiders use Gold, silver and iron coinage, referred to as Gault, Sivs and Eyes by most. Attempting to explain the free-states' currency is canonically head-ache inducing...natives to the region seem to naturally understand the 14 forms of metal,paper,stone and gem based currency. most natives accept Algria currency though. Some suggest the economy originally formed solely to piss off and/or confuse Algrian traders, omitting that their coin is still good there. TL;DR Gold, Silver and Iron/Copper coinage all around.