((Collab post between Tyki, Letter Bee, and supertinyking)) Months later, in the small town of Remote Rundown, N and Gin were experiencing a steady stream of 'pilgrims' who wanted their Pokeballs 'fixed', as well as buy Poke-speak to Human translators. This, in turn, brought more business to the town, including to Lily Mae, the farmgirl whom Gin had met there. So, it's a win-win situation. The Elite Four and Cynthia, the Pokemon Champion, in a show of solidarity (and of course, because they had placed themselves under 'Boss Naoki' and Aradia), were one of the first to have their Pokeballs fixed and Poke-speak to Human translators installed, thus giving the effort to revolutionize Pokemon World Society their 'endorsement', which in turn caused more trainers and more business to go to the town... Rather than fixing the pokeballs, which was honestly a bandaid solution to the issue at hand, gin had devized small devices that fit on the wrist, seeming similar to the poke tech with different 'tags' working like memory cards for the pokemon in each wrist mounted 'pokegear' as he'd dubbed them. Though, in accordance with pokemon battle rules he had each poke gear fitted with only enough room to hold six 'tags' while the rest could be stored in a backpack-like device which was dubbed the main hub. Of course, being so busy left gin little time to catch pokemon, pretty much meaning he was out of luck if someone wanted to battle him. The pokespeak to human translators, however, were actuall installed on the pokegears, making it so the pokemon could speak human once they went through a cycle of being digitized and then being released. -All after this is Retconned out-