After a short rest, Miles woke me up, and muttered something about it being my watch next. Tired, I stumbled over to where I could see anything, should anything happen. The warmth, light, and the faint smell of burning wood from the torch was honestly the only thing keeping me up for... shoot, I must have lost count. Was I even counting? As I tried to remember that, the night continued on, the chilling breeze of the night air being particularly unbearable to someone like me, and the darkness beyond the torch nearly having me give way to my imagination, or paranoia. Sure, those dancing shadows to the north LOOKED like human shadows, and sure, there was some rustling in the bushes off to the south-east, but, after a quick check of both areas, all I found was an owl in the bushes. The owl flew off in the night, probably searching for some mice to eat, and the night just seemed to drag on... The princess was somehow awake, and was writing down something, but, whenever I got close enough to read whatever it was, she hastily closed the book, and shouted that I should mind my own business. How her shouts didn't attract any attention, I'll never know, but, surely enough, my shift came to an uneventful end... just as it had uneventfully started. Tired, I stumbled over to where Deravan was sleeping, and tried to wake him up by nudging him, and saying "Hey... it's your turn to watch this camp," though, for some reason, I felt as if my tired calls to him fell on deaf ears. Nonetheless, I made sure to stay awake until he was awake, just to make sure nothing could catch us by surprise.