[hider=Conablum Labs][b]Name:[/b] Conablum Labs [b]Leader:[/b] Cyano Conablum [b]Goals:[/b] Whatever catches their fancy. [b]Troops:[/b] *Outward: Outward is Conablum labs personal offensive branch. Functioning much like an army, it was greatly strengthened following the incident which led to entry into the multiverse. Using the PR generated by their "brave stand" against the multiversal invaders, the Imperium of Man, and using the battle at the original branch of Conablum Labs as a rallying cry, membership increased greatly, with revenge against the Imperium on the troops minds. Originally numbering just over a thousand, Outward quickly grew to over half a million strong, with more looking to join. Now comprising not just of natives of their planet, but also of humans from earth, they have a wide amount of variance in their troops. Containing people from their planet, linked androids, androids created by the imperiums soul bomb, and humans. As well as a number of plain robots, and a branch dedicated to taming the dangerous creatures around their home, such as the quiggle. Though, that hasn't been met with much success, with only one hive having been tamed. Individually, Outward is split up into five groups, and can be considered a seperate entity to Conablum labs, which is officially considered a seperate entity to Arch Research Industries, though, the two companies are both run by Cyano. Outward is led by Keith, Cyano's most trusted underling. The five branches are detailed below. [quote] Outward: The main branch, focusing on Combat. Each Outward member comes equipped with a Multitool, Saber Cloth clothing, to serve as armor, an energy dagger, and two Cold Fusion grenades. Following arrival into the Multiverse, androids and other robotic members were immediately upgraded to handle the stronger troops that the multiverse had to offer. The organic troops however were put under stricter training, and were secretly administered various serums to make them more resistant to mind altering or controlling entities. While it's mostly dependent on how strong willed the individual in question is, it does make it more difficult for one to turn them against their allies. Medical: Serving in tandem with Outward, the medical branch provides medical support to Outward in and out of battle. All of them are trained both in medical practices, but also in mechanics, so as to perform on the spot reperations to Androids and the like. They come equipped with a miniature medical station for on the go medicine and repairs. Though, most often one would find them in between the front and back lines of a battle, protected on all sides, in an encampment. When in the encampment, they have full access to all their healing supplies, and are quite good at what they do. Building: A recent addition to Outward. Due to an accident leading to a universe with a material known as "Source", utilized by "Archineers" to build temporary defenses, consisting of walls, turrets, traps, and helpers. Conablum Labs did not take much of anything from the universe, but did manage to get ahold of "Source". They were able to use it, but not being Archineers themself, their abilities with it were greatly lessened, only being able to build walls and turrets. Where as one Archineer could change the tide of a battle, Conablum Lab builders require multiple people to be effective, and are mostly good as support. Used in Tandem with Outward and the Medical Branch however, and all three become a powerful force to be reckoned with. Research: Outwards research branch. Seperate from Conablum Labs research branch, Outward focuses on collection and observation. Setting up multiple outposts across Arcadia, they have documented numerous forms of wild life, coming from universes the world over. Though they lack the research capabilities of the Conablum Labs research teams, they have proven to be effective in taking down wildlife. Thus, they are more akin to hunters then anything. They come equipped with an Arch Six shooter, an energy spear, and a number of traps built for several of the dangerous creatures to come out of the multiverse. Magic Corp: A small group that uses magic. They were created in secret, and trained under Keith. They know all the same magics as Keith, and can be considered highly dangerous. Numbering no more then ten at a time, they are able to step between shadows, and hide within them. Able to move between three seperate planes, they can move through reality, in between reality and any shadow dimensions found, and within any shadow dimensions. The only thing they lack is Keiths most useful ability, "Bonding". Though, that doesn't make them any less deadly. Fleet: The only part of Outward that hasn't advanced too much. While the technology in their ships has improved, allowing them to move better and shoot faster and more accurately, the Fleet still stands at a mere twenty planes and 100 crew members at any one time. To make up for this, they are trained to perfection. Any Crew member is capable of performing the same tasks as the main branch, the medical branch, and can take on any job that is needed of them within their ship. Each ship is crewed by five different members. A Pilot, Co-pilot, two gunners, and a spotter and medic. Any crew member can take on any of the positions. *This does not take into account, that over each lab, there is an orbital bombardment array, both to deter attackers, and to destroy the branch should it be beyond help. They are protected by a force field reverse engineered from Kolon tech. Their range is rather short however, only able to hit anywhere within twenty feet of the outermost wall of a lab or Conablum Labs building.[/quote] [quote][b]Important Members:[/b] *Keith: Head of Outward and Cyano's personal Assassin *Agonious: Deadland Guard and highest physical strength. Intelligence [b][i][u]SEVERELY[/u][/i][/b] low Rease Arch: Cyano's Daughter, now confined to an Android body. Following in her mothers foot steps over the last five years, she has proven to be quite capable.[/quote] [b]Tactical Advantages:[/b] Organization: Conablum Labs and Outward are highly organized. Every branch is trained with the other branches tactics and abilities in mind. With plans and strategies thought up daily, to prepare for any contingency. Technology: Conablum Labs technology is considered highly advanced, especially weapons wise. Specifically, they have two main types of weapons, Energy, and Hard Saber Cloth weapons. Energy weapons run on Cold fusion to produce highly damaging bolts, or blades. While Saber cloth is an incredibly strong material that refracts and breaks up light and energy. Furthermore, Saber cloth can be used as an armor, and comes in two different forms. Soft Saber Cloth, and Hard Saber Cloth. Soft Saber Cloth is unpiercable, refracts energy and light attacks, and can cover ones entire body. However, it does not stop the kinetic energy of ballistic attacks, leaving it's wearer prone to bruising, and internal bleeding. Hard Saber Cloth removes the weakness of Kinetic attacks, but is completely unflexible, and is incompatible with Soft Saber Cloth. Thus, Hard Saber Cloth leaves a weakness at every joint on it's wearer, while protecting the center. Competency: To ensure success, all Outward and Conablum Lab employees are required to take mandatory classes and exercises in common sense, and basic knowledge. As well as a mandatory class every three months to update them on the newest tactics, and how they work with the other branches, to take down threats. Thus, most members of Outward are very competent in what they do. Though there are a few bad eggs. Linear Plane Teleportation: Conablum Labs has a system that allows for Linear plane transport to almost anywhere within their territory. It is near instant. Shifters: Reverse engineering the captured Grimlock, who lost his life with the million in the Imperiums attack, Conablum Labs was able to add an upgrade to their androids that allows them to "Shift". While it certainly isn't on the same scale as Grimlock, it does allow them to change their appearance, and attributes, which can buff certain aspects, such as strength, or speed. [b]Tactical Disadvantages:[/b] Hatred: Most new members carry a hatred of the Imperium of Man, due to their actions leading to the deaths of one million of their friends, family, and people in the blink of an eye. While in battle this can be an advantage, it is very difficult to get them to work with the Imperium, should it ever be required. Less Scrupulous members may even forgo their lessons and tactics to take at least one of the Imperium out in the heat of battle, which can lead to their death. Mostly normal: While they can hold their own, a single Outward member is not very strong. Rather, their strength comes from numbers, with them acting optimally in a squad of five to seven. In those numbers, they are rather deadly, but if seperated, they are rather vulnerable, and will not last long. Lazy: Cyano is, rather lazy. While it can run itself, Conablum Labs and Outward do take orders directly from Cyano. Thusly, it can be rather slow when she is unmotivated. Which is often. [b]Origin:[/b] Original Universe[/hider]