[@Tachi] [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v252/HlySd/KirbyLogo_zpspqo7n7lt.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://sites.google.com/site/cyberskirbywiki/_/rsrc/1444403033590/home/kirby.png[/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] Irrelevant [b]Appearance:[/b] Kirby is a two-feet tall and five inch round creature who is normally pink, but has been shown to appear in other variety of colors. He has bluish-black elliptical eyes, rosy cheeks, fingerless hands and large, red pointy shoes. His mouth appears small but is capable of expanding to epic proportions. He is extremely light to carry, flexible, and as malleable as puddy. [b]World of Origin:[/b] Dream Land [b]Powers[/b] [list][*][b]Fly[/b] - Kirby can inhale a great amount of air, which causes him to inflate into a balloon, and fly. He can fly endlessly without getting tired, but if ever forced to lose his air, he'll fall unless he is able to inhale air again. [*][b]Projectile[/b] - Kirby can suck in nearly anyone and anything no matter the beings size, unless the enemy is of a colossal height. Once inhaled, Kirby can spit the enemy back out at violent speeds, sending the enemy careening into other foes or into solid obstacles to cause extreme damage if not death. [*][b]Copy[/b] - Kirby's most trademark power besides his vaccuum breath is his ability to copy the powers of another foes. Once he takes on their powers or abilities, then the little guy is transformed into a master of that power and ability, adopting the techniques and strengths of those enemies. Not all individuals carry special abilities, and therefore, those enemies can be spit back out or devoured. [*][b]Devour[/b] - Kirby can devour his enemies whole. Once eaten, there is no coming back. [*][b]Melee[/b] - The squishy pink guy is a decent fighter even without having copied the abilities of a martial artist. However, those copied abilities are always a bonus![/list] [b]Equipment[/b] [list][*][b]Warp Star[/b] - A very handy star for speedy long distance travel. Allies can ride the warp star as long as Kirby is on board with them.[/list] [b]Brief Backstory[/b] Kirby hails from Dream Land where his adventures revolve around foiling the plots of the evil oppressive King Dedede. His adventures have gone from magical realms and worlds to even space. He has participated in cross-dimensional tournaments and other games such as cooking, karaoke, and art. [b]Personality[/b] Kirby is considered to be young due to his child-like demeanor and pitched voice. He has an endless appetite, and so spends a lot of time eating. He likes all types of food and no matter how much he eats, he never increases in size, even when devouring foes much larger than he is. He especially likes to eat Maxim Tomatoes--his favorite fruit! He is considered a silent protagonist for he rarely speaks, often just exclaiming words that not many understand but find adorable nonetheless. Just like a child, his mannerisms are simple to read. Although he doesn't speak a perfect comprehensible language, he does show a level of understanding, making him smarter than what some may think. [b]Other:[/b] "Ey!"