[h2][color=a0c9a1]Glyph the Flygon[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Guild Balcony][/b] [@Ninian] A guilty look of concern over took the dragon as he looked back at his friend. [color=a0c9a1]"Oh Robel....I will make sure you get the rest you deserve tonight. You really do need it..."[/color] When the Heliolisk approached him and questioned the Sibyl's lack of appearance during the show, Glyph frowned and shook his head. Brows furrowing. [color=a0c9a1]"Yes....It appears so. I haven't seen her in days. However, that is not unlike her. Glyde hasn't made an appearance today either, nor has Glen. Perhaps they are with the Sibyl? I do not know. They all could just simply be busy."[/color] Thinking of the mysterious town leader for a few more moments caused the Flygon to open his mouth to speak, but quickly pause and shut it before focusing on the impressive fire dance. [color=a0c9a1][i]The reason for Miratete's absence maybe due to her preparing for what her prophecy will bring.....An army of dungeon dwellers...Rising up to destroy peaceful settlements....It pains me to think that anyone would wish to do such a horrid thing.....I....I will refrain from telling Robel until we're done with dinner...I do not want to ruin the mood of the occasion...[/i][/color] [h2][color=6193c7]Datsu the Toxicroak[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Residential District East][/b] [@Ninian] The wicked grin that the Mienshao displayed only served to make the Toxicroak smile wider and close his eyes. [color=6193c7]"Oh hoho, I agree, whole heartily. The 'undesirables' were taken care of by the Folio Guild members just as planned, every hit location was cleared during the dance show, and all of it was done in such an efficient manor! None will be the wiser of our larger goals until the sun crawls out from the horizon and we have long since departed from this town."[/color] Raising a gloved hand to his chin, Datsu rubbed and chuckled. [color=6193c7]"I don't think I've ever seen a town raid go this swimmingly in quite a long time. Ah, it almost brings a tear to my eye..."[/color] Reopening his yellow eyes that appeared to glow in the low light, the thief turned back to his companion with the same unsettling smile still plastered on his face. [color=6193c7]"But please, do tell what you have discovered Alias. I know it is not the flawlessness of the raid that has you in such a joyous mood, and I am curious as to what makes you so."[/color] [h2][color=MediumVioletRed]Letho the Sableye[/color][/h2][b][Folio's Trunk - Treacherous Roots B3][/b] [@Shiny Keldeo][@Lucius Cypher] The Sableye's diamond eyes flicked over to each of his party members for a moment. Seemingly lost in thought. [color=MediumVioletRed][i]Fuse has got something with that Alliance....But just rushing in wouldn't be very smart......And there's no fucking way I'm letting Gren rush out there....But if I just force him to stay here he's gonna get pissy again and THEN rush off on his own and die....Hm....We could get this done quicker if we knew more.....Maybe if we....[/i][/color] Snapping his claws and oddly making no noise from the action, Letho gave a sharp grin and a nod to his team mates. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Alright, I got it. Ok, I'll slide into the floor with my Shadow Sneak, get up behind the Roserade, and blast em back over here with a little Dark Pulse."[/color] The imp explained as he took two claws and mimed a walking motion, before shoving his open palm out in front of him. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Then, while ol Rosy is stumbling around, trying to figure out why he just got blown up by his own shadow, you three jump in there and hit em with everything ya got. [i]BUT,[/i]"[/color] The Darkness Pokémon raised a claw and flicked it at everyone. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Don't let em fall into dreamland got it? We're flying blind down here for this mission, so a little insight might be nice right? If we keep this walking rose bush conscious long enough to maybe get some info on that Pokémon we're trying to track down, we'll be out of this damn tree stump faster."[/color] Crossing his arms, the ghost 'winked'. [color=MediumVioletRed]"So how about it? Best plan ever amirite?"[/color]