Here's my character: An ESPer with aspirations of becoming a Guardian [Hider=Tony 'TK' Kideyoshi] [img][/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] [color=lightgreen]Kideyoshi, Tony[/color] [b]Nicknames/Alias/AKA:[/b] [color=lightgreen]TK[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=lightgreen]21[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] [color=lightgreen]Male[/color] [b]DOB:[/b] [color=lightgreen]December 1, 1995[/color] [b]Occupation:[/b] [color=lightgreen]Student, Guardians Applicant[/color] [b]Race:[/b] [color=lightgreen]Telekinetic ESPer[/color] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [color=lightgreen]Black[/color] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [color=lightgreen]Brown[/color] [b]Height and Build:[/b] [color=lightgreen]6'2", 165lbs Lithe and sinewy[/color] [b]Other Appearance:[/b] [color=lightgreen]TK is easily recognizable by his stylish hair and prominent tattoos covering his left arm. He wears an ESP-Amplifier on his left wrist, which has the appearance of a metal bracelet or watch, with a flat crystal where the watch face should be; the crystal glows brightly when the amplifier is in use. He also commonly carries around a metallic object similar to a Rubik's cube in the color of different precious metals instead of bright colors. TK often rearranges the cube by taking it apart with his telekinesis and putting it back together. His voice, like his personality is straightforward and confident, yet casual and relaxed. His voice, surprisingly jumps up to a lighter tenor when he sings- he occasionally enjoys karaoke and often sings with the guitar. In regards to his clothing and style; his style is half Hip-Hop, half modern/urban, though he looks surprisingly good in a suit.[/color] [b]History/bio:[/b] [color=lightgreen]Born in downtown Los Angeles, Tony Kideyoshi is the youngest of two, and the son of the famed Andrew Kideyoshi, prominent demi-god, and high ranking Guardian in the California area. As a child, Tony was bold and unruly. He bickered with others constantly and insisted on having things done his way. He was competitive and at times even aggressive. The son of a Guardian, he was well aware of the occult and supernatural from an early age and even discovered own powers at the age of 8. Armed with the knowledge the occult, as well as his own telekinetic abilities, Tony was confident in his abilities to instigate and pick fights with other children. While frowned upon by his father, it was easy to dismiss Tony's displays of his powers as the exaggerations of children and as a result, Tony pushed and shoved his way to the top of the elementary schoolyard as a kid. His older sister, while seemingly devoid of any special abilities, remained Tony's primary caretaker for much of his early life, as his parents were often busy with Guardian work, leaving the kids at home to fend for themselves most of the times. Despite his bold demeanor, Tony and his sister Tara got along incredibly well. Tony often regarded his older sister with a sort of reverence, and Tara was able to influence his actions with little more than a word. In that manner, their parents often joked that Tara possessed some sort of abilities of suggestion. As he got older, he realized he could no longer continue using his powers without drawing attention to himself and his family, and after many-a-lecture by his father, and repeated prodding by his sister, Tony finally began shaping up and taking responsibility for his actions. He ceased using his powers in public, keeping knowledge of his powers to his family, and the closest of his friends. He began doing well in his studies at school, and even began taking personal lessons from several of his father's friends: ESPers and witches who showed him how to utilize his powers without common folk noticing. During these highschool years, Tony gained an appreciation, and even admiration of the Guardians, and the work his father did, though often joked and denied interest when asked if he too wanted to become a Guardian when he got older. When Tony was 18, he got involved in an accident involving a Hunter. A misunderstanding gone extremely wrong, the result was a large fight across downtown Los Angeles, which included the use of both supernatural powers and firearms, as the encounter became violent. Tony was saved from death by a group of Guardians, led by his father, who mortally wounded the hunter. The accident was nothing short of a debacle, and consumed a great amount of resources from the Guardians to cover up the accident from the masses. As a result, the Guardians suggested that Tony move off to somewhere more secluded, naming the supernatural town of Teemore to be a possible location, especially with Tony's age, and the town's proximity to Gringore Academy. With no small measure of reluctance, Tony and his sister moved to the tiny town of Whitecross in Vermont, settling into Teemore, where Tony began attending Gringore Academy, with a focus on classes and training for future Guardians. Tony is currently in his fourth and final year at Gringore academy. [/color] [b]Family/Relationships: [/b] [color=lightgreen] Andrew Kideyoshi - Father, Demi-god, Guardian, 47 Kim Kideyoshi - Mother, ESPer, Guardian, 52 Tara Kideyoshi - Sister, Mundane, Waitress, 27 Lee Frost - Friend, Witch(Adaquare), Gringore Academy Student, 21 Elizabeth Hall - Friend, Fairy, Gringore Academy Student, 20[/color] [b]Other/Extra:[/b] [color=lightgreen] Fluent in English and Japanese. He enjoys playing the guitar, but rarely has time to. Tony is a part of the Gringore Guardians Auxiliaries, an organization of students who work alongside the Guardians part time as part of their training. This includes participating and aiding in emergency services, providing security for Academy events, and shadowing other Guardians.[/color][/hider]