[h3][color=fca05a]Robel the Heliolisk[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Guild Balcony][/b] [@Light Lord] The Flygon's words caused Robel's expression to falter. [color=fca05a]"I see... No, I suppose you're right, it's not as if we see her normally. Still, I would have thought she might have made an appearance for something of this magnitude..."[/color] Pausing for a moment, he pondered before speaking. [color=fca05a]"Ah... you're right, where [i]are[/i] they? I apologize if I'm taking you away from time that could be spent with your family. If that's something you wish to pursue, I'll be fine by myself. I truly appreciate that you came to check on my well being."[/color] The fire show in the Town Square continued, as Terra the Braixen continued her elegant, dangerous dance. Down towards the front row, a small blue Kirlia could be seen, watching with excitement. [h3][color=beadcd]Alias[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Residential District East][/b] [@Light Lord] Clasping his hands together, the Mienshao grinned as the Toxicroak gave a run down on what had happened in his absence. [color=beadcd]"Oh, that is absolutely [i]wonderful![/i] It's a shame I wasn't able to see it first hand. I was..."[/color] With a wicked smirk the Mienshao continued, [color=beadcd]"Grilling someone for details. Ah, yes. A very [i]interesting[/i] someone, actually. Are you familiar with the legendary Pokémon [i]Mew[/i]?"[/color] Pausing for a moment, the Mienshao awaited Datsu's reaction before continuing, [color=beadcd]"Well, it's an ancient Pokémon that's quite elusive given its unique ability. [i]Transform[/i], if you're not familiar. And unlike a Ditto, it does not require a direct sample to shift... of course with a sample it's possible for them to [i]completely replicate an individual.[/i] Do you see where I'm going with this?"[/color] The Mienshao's wicked grin spread ever further, [color=beadcd]"Oh, but it does not simply end there. And I nearly forgot to mention the cause of Deeku's death. It was unlike anything I've ever seen before—and I've seen quite a bit. That said, I was able to pry quite a bit of interesting and useful information out of Mew. Apparently, the attack that finished Deeku was apparently of a [i]Shadow Typing[/i]. Something entirely unheard of, though I suppose that begs the question of how Mew knew this. Unfortunately, that pesky Chimecho returned before I was able to get what I wanted out of him."[/color]