u]Name[/u]: The New Union of America [u]Flag[/u]: [img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mbdaf91c90dd88bc1c8296b5b55f6a881o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=319&h=180[/img] [u]Government Ideology[/u]: Capitalist/Democratic Free Nation based on the old ideals of America, except a full republic than a democratic republic. [u]President[/u] Jacob Hightop [u]Capital[/u] Indianapolis. [u]States Claimed[/u] Indiana Missouri Michigan Kentucky Iowa Minnesota Illinois Ohio Wincoinson [u]Rough Population[/u] 20 million (Im not sure...) [u]Why did theses states unify?[/u] After the disunification of the United states, it was clear the old way where, indeed, broken, but that didn't mean it couldn't be fixed, however. After Hoover was sent to prison for his crimes against the USA, the people realized disunification was not the way. In order for the united states to survive possible invasions from communistic and or fascist countries, they had to be united under a common flag. So, found supporters of the old US, the New Union of America has emerged. There goal is to reunify the USA back to its formor glory. A new wave of nationalism formed in this commonwealth of states, and with the rise of communist confederate states, many have adopted anti communist ideas, despite the situation regarding the depression. Many senators and USA politicians had migrated to the NUA in hopes of being free from communist suppression in Washington DC, and to be around a familiar goverment. The NUA managed to free the declaration of independence and constitution, now seen in Indianapolis museums. Agriculture is a highly important to the NUA, being one of the few industries to actually bear fruit on any level. A new currency had been made in the NUA, a sort of Fiat currency called Shines, and not part of the gold standard. Though, it solved the deflation problem, a fiat currency can rapidly inflate...so the NUA keeps strict control on there government backed money. More money, though, had got there people actually to spend money, and use it within the government, though stuff cost comparably more than what said item used to be. A car costing 600 Dollars, would cost 1800 shines, so roughly 1/3 the value of a regular dollar from before the depression. Segregation: Segregation is still going, but some states are becoming more liberal, one even going as far as elimating it completely, and some even allowing the minorities to vote and hold office, claiming the newly formed NUA needs all the supporters they can get, but with great detest from the more racist and KKK active states, and try to fight these new regulations, as they see the black man unfit for office in this new government, claiming the black man had created the depression in the first place. The NUA president: Jacob High-top, a respected business man from Michigan, who helped create the new currency depicted by Franklin D. Roosevelt and slowly bring the NUA out of the deflation with his new Shines currency. His progress in this matter had earned him popular vote as he ran for governor of Indiana against the KKK member, Ed Jackson. With minority votes at hand for his promise to help spread equality to citizens of any kind, and paired with his ideas on fixing the economy. Many critize him as he never worked on a farm, and was a factory worker at Ford Industries until the crash....some saying he never worked a day in his life. But no one disagreed, however, that his plans for a true America where coming into fruitarian. So many voted for him as his plans for his new "True Republic" System filled the needs and wants of the people, with everyone represented in the new government, and the economy rising under the shines currency, and the disunification of the USA, all brought him as the diplomatic helm of a new nation. His traditionalist ways help advocate patriotism in such hard times. [u]Military[/u] The NUAs Military is quite a force to be reckoned with. With military weapons from Fort Knox, Kentucky, the NUA has been able to create BAR, M1grands, and even tanks and jeeps that would go in and out of the compound before the depression. Soldiers usually wear standard American uniforms and carry a common M1911 on there side. But alas, these soldiers are few in number, with only 20,000 active soldiers, as the military is still being trained up. The Bulk of the military relies on militia or mercenary groups that now inhabit the Disunited States. [img]http://redheadedtshirts.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/BAR-soldier-lrge-400x400.jpg[/img] Militia: Citizen soldiers with relatively small amounts of training and carry civilian grade firearms, such as hunting rifles or shotguns. What the soldiers miss in training and weapons, makes up for in large numbers. [img]http://miliblog.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/german-army-ww2-originals/german-troops-relax-with-tent.jpg[/img] Mercenaries: Mercenaries are not trusted by the NUA, But they are hired to participate in certain wars. The NUA only pays half before a battle, once the battle is completed, the other half of payment is restored. Mercenaries vary in numbers and equipment. [imghttp://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/german-soldier-wwii-8796680.jpg][/img] [u]Technology[/u] The NUA has been researching on new ways to farm and cultivate crops, Better infrastructure, and currently studying on Albert Einstein's equations and math and relativity. Rising education with public schools are helping to contribute to science, though the fact many are in agriculture and farming, science break through are rare, but not impossible.