Kayden and Morek glanced up at Cassilda as they heard a noise from above. The Prince's eyes widened as the woman ran up the stairs. "Wha-" he began, then swiftly changed tactics and waved for everyone that was already in the room to back up and get as close to the wall as they could, signalling for those heading from the doorway to stay back and quiet. He thought for sure that she would be dead and they would be charged at by bandits. He heard a scream and thought it was hers for a moment. The Prince was impressed but no less vexed when he saw her tumbling down the stairs, grappling with a cutthroat. He peered up the stairs swiftly, seeing a few men skidding across the stone steps behind. One body lay slumped and bleeding. Perhaps dead. "Shit." he spat. He dropped his sword without hesitation, ripping out his dagger and driving it into the man's back atop Cassilda. "Halbark!" he called. "Aye!" was heard from within the back hallway. "Got anything with flames?" All that could be heard was a chuckle, before the tattooed Dwarf stepped out of the shadows and tossed a clay object with a small flame alight at its top. The makeshift bomb sailed up the stairs and exploded, engulfing half of the stairs as well as the roguish thugs in a firestorm. They screamed and cried out in utter agony as the liquid fire melted the flesh from their bones. Kayden admitted he was uncomfortable with the Dwarf having thrown it a bit close to him, but he got the job done. Now onto his job. He grabbed Cassilda by her shoulders and hauled her up, inspecting her for injuries with a quick look over. "I don't know what you were thinking, but if you want to survive or stay in this company, we stick together and don't go running in. You wait on my call." As he said his last two words, his eyes fell on Nuva as well. He gave them both a leveling stare, then sighed. "But hell of a job from both of you, either way. I'm glad Secret picked people with skills." "Ahem," was heard from the Cells. Kayden waved dismissively. "Morek, let her out." The Dwarf shrugged and hefted his Axe. "Won't he need a key?" Jeremiah asked as the rest of the company filled the room. His statement was blocked out by the sound of the Dwarf smashing his great Axe onto the lock once, twice, thrice, and it was shattered to ruin. Morek opened the door and the Elven maiden sauntered out. "Everyone, meet the girl who did her research on each and every one of you. She's an informant and under my employ for now, and I didn't tell you we'd find her here because I didn't know myself." "You thought I'd be dead?" The Elven rogue asked. "When you didn't report back, yes." the Prince said back. She sniffed at that. "Ye of little faith I see." He gave an exasperated sigh. "Why would they keep you alive? Information? Did you give them any?" "Of course not, but I teased them with some false info to keep myself breathing in the meanwhile." Kayden picked up his sword and sheathed it for the time being. "Did you at least get the layout of the Keep?" It turns out the wiley Elf had, and she relayed that up the stairs was a wide hall that led into the courtyard out of two large wooden doors. To the right was the gatehouse and the wall filled with patrols, and to the left was the barracks and dining hall. To the opposite side of the courtyard was the Great hall, above and below the wall top. Above them was a guard tower that lead to another watch tower that reached over the canyon. "Virgil." Kayden called. The old Knight strode over, nodding to the handiwork of what had transpired. "Yes, Captain?" he asked through his impressive mustache. "Take Jeremiah, Haukford, Halbark, and Fafnir through the barracks and dining hall. Lalia and Secret? Take out the men above us. Nuva, Cassilda, Morek and I will go left. We'll meet on the other side and take the men we can hostage to be beglamored by Cassilda, understand?" [hr] As the minutes slipped by, Hobnob would see lesser heat signatures emerging from the tree line. They were bigger than he, but not man sized. Anyone who had spent time in the borderlands knew of the large coyote population. They merely approached and picked at the dead Ogre carcass, not setting off any traps so far. [@BCTheEntity][@rush99999][@Austronaut][@Fubsy]