[img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/4b53/f/2016/219/b/6/ss_part_05_by_aaronmk-dacxqd9.jpg[/img] Today we roll out with... broken events. I think I know what went wrong but it's too late to fix them. As it was at the time too, I said "fuck it" and continued. So what we have in the end is a lot of crazy. Speaking of, Kebab Man starts waving at everyone. But since it's the middle of the night no one cares. He may be crazy, but at least he's not overcome with the insanity of inspiration that has caught Andrew WK, who decided to set aside his stupid tough-guy image to draft sweeing economic reforms to probably push on congress when they're not on summer vacation (whenever that ends). Meanwhile, inspired by her trip to Gaylord, Michigan: Malinda May decides to go on a quest to build a whole new nation. Why? Who knows. Maybe she was just inspired by the charms of small town Michigan. Weapon XI continues his optimal strategy. Hasn't done much so far: but that may be the point. If he can be low-key no one will notice. He could be our first pacifist winner! Speaking of Pacifism, Taaj's dog spends the night high on heroin and in the stoned daze kills the nefarious Various. And as Vilage and hundreds - or thousands - of others break into song, Hitler sleeps in a Porsche Cayman trunk, and several people sleep in shifts no doubt uneasy by the chorus of song from the Union lines. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5mmFPyDK_8[/youtube] I wonder if the American Flag can hear them in its nightly madness. [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/6eba/f/2016/219/8/3/ss_part_06_by_aaronmk-dacxqdh.jpg[/img] Stephen Hawking goes in search of water as Wade Wilson goes to New Mexico to go off-roading in the desert. Excuse the odd space, I did not give a fuck and my space-bar is fucky. Malinda May goes to Florida to lift at Muscle Beach, she probably meets ClocktowerEchoes there too and I can only imagine they competitively lifted weights while staring at each other. No doubt listening to German marching tunes that Hitler may have left there. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1sEt3NjHNA[/youtube] I can lift to this. Meanwhile, an entire baseball team offers itself on the alter of sacrifice to a guerilla who obliges with reluctance. A butt camouflages itself nearby. But while he may not be practicing arm day at Muscle Beach, Hitler at the least flexes his brain muscles in internet RP and gets to work composing terribly long RP posts to dump on everyone and everything. It'll be his final solution! Or so he says when he works up the effort to actually DO anything. Meanwhile, weed is recieved. Vilage looks at dank memes on KYM. Horse wife gets a bomb from ISIS and Weapon XI moves to the next stage of his master plan: making a fresh spear so he gets the repair quality edge of everyone else. [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/3603/f/2016/219/c/9/ss_part_07_by_aaronmk-dacxqdp.jpg[/img] Only two people died.