[h1][center][color=0072bc]Kim Hansson[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center] Location: Cabin then music club Interactions: [@Vicier] Syleste[/center] [hr] Despite her intent to continue her testings, she was trumped by the call of the body. There was no food up here. She groaned loudly as she looked at the fridge and freezer. Both empty. What was she expecting really? No one had been here for a very long time. Kim wrapped a towel around her head and dried up quickly and put a smaller tank top on and some shorts. Her body was still not fully dried as she walked out, tossing the towel onto the porch and got into her car. It would be one hell of a quick ride back to town. Her car's engine roared to life as she did a scandinavian flick and drove at high speed down the forest road. Gravel and dirt shot out from behind her as she powerslid through most corners to keep her speed up and was back in town at record speed. Kim got out of her car and looked at [url=http://cdn2.3dtuning.com/info/Pontiac%20Trans%20Am%201977%20Coupe/factory/1.jpg]it[/url]. She would have to wash it off after today as most of it was covered in dust. In the middle of all of her thoughts, there was music. Her movements stopped and she turned around. Her memory got jogged as if in a trance moving towards the building. [color=0072bc]"T...this..?"[/color] her voice trailed off as she found herself within the building and walking towards where the sound came from. There was already people here. But she barely seemed to notice. It wasn't until the music stopped that Kim seemed to be aware of her surroundings. Kim's eyes snapped towards the one playing the piano. It wasn't the person she was expecting. Or rather, that was impossible, he was gone after all. A tear was in her eye before quickly brushing it away. [color=0072bc]"Sorry for the interruption....my grandfather used to play on this piano for me a lot...brings back memories.."[/color] She smiled softly towards the one playing, barely recognizing the other person in the room.