Wipperino I should note, I'm up for background interactions with my gobs. [hider=Hobgoblins][center][h1][b]The United Chiefdoms of Gru-nuk[/b][/h1][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/612e/f/2011/206/9/6/steampunk_bounty_hunter_flag_by_fullmetalvamp-d41nxs1.jpg[/img][/center] [b][h2]Nation Intro[/h2][/b] The United Chiefdoms of Gru-nuk is a brutal nation of warlike hobgoblins who scourge the lands by walk upon. Unlike the orcs whom many claim they hold kinship with, the Gru-nuk approach life with ruthless efficiency and fierce discipline. [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b][hider=Map Claim][img]http://i.imgur.com/1huKzb7.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][h2]History[/h2][/b](Talk about the history of your nation. You can make it barebones if you want or collaborate with other players to establish a shared history.) [b][h2]Society[/h2][/b] Population of ~ 74,000,000 (98.2% Hobgoblin, 1.8% Other) [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b] Exports: Coal, Steel, Rubber Imports: Lumber, Luxury Goods, Aetherite [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b] [/hider]