[center][h1][b]The Teudani Empire[/b][/h1][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/7978/f/2014/098/d/c/danish_norwegian_flag_by_shikku27316-d7do862.png[/img][h3][i]Med dése teken verdeges dy de trou; Med dése teken, werden de feinden fallon[/i][/h3][/center] [b][h2]Nation Intro[/h2][/b] The Teudani Empire is a newborn nation, created only 50 years ago, with the unification of the Half-Elvish Teudani peoples under one banner. Now, the previously disorganized nations of the Teudani are united in a major power, that looks out for expansion and growth. Their bloodly and brutal history as the infamous "Crusaders" has not been lost, and if anything, It looks like the people are too ready to take up the holy war once again. [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b][hider=Map Claim][img]http://i.imgur.com/JWbA4Zm.png[/img] [/hider] (Choose a color and draw your borders on the map. Also you get the freedom to describe the environment and geography of your nation here, within reasonable limits. You can even talk about the important zones or places within your borders.) [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] [h3] Time of the Tribes[/h3] [youtube]https://youtu.be/6xTqt_l2BtA?list=PLyKBF5mS8ZNVRkim5KNdTFgM4mgHp2u0r[/youtube] Habiation of the area that would become the Urheimat of the Teudani was first inhabited by Sapient Life some time 12,000 years. It is widely accepted that the first people in the Theudish Lands were elves who had migrated from somewhere else, and set up the first societies in the area. These people, sometimes called the "Snow Elves", primarily lived as semi-nomadic tribesmen, speaking the now extinct family of languages known as "North Elvish". The Snow Elvish Culture flourished for about 2,000 years, developing into the "Northern Bronze Age", a time where the Society of the Elves became more advance, with bronze working, and complex religion taking root in the lands. It is around this time that Humans began their migration into the Lands of the Snow Elves. These Humans were quick to interact with the more advanced Elves, and entered into agreements of Trade. Human Tribes often found themselves hired as Mercenaries, later evolving into something of a Military caste for the Tribal Elves. By the Time of the Iron Age, the line between Human and Elf had become nearly non-existent. Early history of the mixture of people is rather unknown, but documents from this pre-literate time composed by more advanced neighbors identifies these people under the general term of "Teudani", perhaps a name of a particularly powerful tribe in the early history of the Teudanic Tribes. At a later date, inscriptions would arise from the lands of Teudania, written in their own alphabet, a series of cuts and runic letters incised into wood and stone, as well as small tokens of iron and bronze with runes inscribed into them. This would be the first direct attestations of the Theudanic Languages, which at this time, formed a mostly intelligible dialect continuum. :ᚦᛁᛋ᛫ᚺᚱᛜᚨᛎ᛫ᛁᛏ᛫ᚠᛟᚱᚨᛁ᛫ᚺᛚᛟᛞᚹᛁᚷᚨᛎ᛫ᛋᛟᚾᚾᚨ᛫ᛞᚨᛁᚱᛟᚾᚨᛎ: [[i]þis hringaz it forai hlodwigaz sonna daironaz[/i]] The first attested inscription in Proto-Teudanic For a good chunk of their early history, the Teudani Tribes were known as raiders, sweeping across the sea or across the plains of the east to plunder for wealth and for captives. Early forms of the Teudanic Pagan religion arose at this time, called by it's people as Hedendomaz, translated as Hedenry. Hedenry evolved from a mixture of the belifes of the local Snow Elves, and the Humans who settled and mixed among them. The more mystical and anthropomorphic gods of the elves lent form and personality to the primordial nature deities that the humans worshiped. In the Early Age, twelve deities had taken the position of the most important of all among the various Teduani, and began to inspire the fits of religious furor that Teudanic warriors would become known for. [i]To Be Continued[/i] [h3]Age of Kings[/h3] [youtube]https://youtu.be/isxvXITTLLY?list=PLyKBF5mS8ZNVRkim5KNdTFgM4mgHp2u0r[/youtube] As time passed, the various tribes naturally began to form into larger entities, with a system of feudalism devloping between the conquering chiefs and the leaders of the conquered tribes. Within 200 years after the traditional end of the Tribal Age, the first major kingdoms of the Teudani began to form. [b]The Crusaders[/b] [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/e647/i/2015/219/d/4/viking_raven_banner_by_desertstormvet-d94kvew.jpg[/img] [i]Flag of the Crusaders in the Pagan Age[/i] As the influence of the preistly caste and religious leaders of the Teudanic Pagan religion grew, the tenant of Holy War to please the Gods with Sacrifices of War Victims became stronger. Traditionally this was accomplished by raids, slaying enemies on the battlefield and bringing back prisoners to be hung from trees or thrown into bogs, however, the growing problem of the Great Famine came to demand larger scale sacrifices. The Crusades were the brainchild of an agreement between the Clergy to cede some power back to the Warrior Caste, by allowing them a major role in the newly forming society. [h3]Unification [/h3] [b][h2]Society[/h2][/b](What is your nation is like. You can describe your demographics (special mention to the various races), culture, religion and even your government. It's a bit complex category so if you feel like it you can split this up.) [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b](What is your economy like? What do you mine, produce, trade? How developed is your nation in terms of technology? Anything unique you invented or even make?) [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b](Unsurprisingly you must also talk about your military. How militarized are you? What is your army like in general? What kind of equipment you use? Any special units or machines worth mentioning? I think you already know how this goes.)