[h2][color=navy]Candice Ghoste[/color][/h2] [i]"Agent Ghoste. Agent Mars. There have been strange readings coming from an area near Mohs Town. Your mission is simple. Find out what is happening here, and report it to us. If it turns out to be like...[u]that[/u] time, well you know what to do Ghoste,"[/i] Candice didn't like the idea of doing another mission so soon, especially considering their recent loss of a friend. Normally, she would be okay with going on, despite the loss of a friend. But the friend they had lost was with her for seven years. The loss was hard on her, and she wouldn't doubt that it would be hard on Mars as well. Hopefully this mission will just be an information gathering mission and no fighting would be necessary, just like one of the other agents reassured them. Unfortunately, Candice had a gut feeling that they may have to fight at some point during this mission. Whatever may come their way, she will keep her promise to Zoi. She is going to protect Mars and be there for him... The day before yesterday was spent driving an RV to Mohs Town, and yesterday was spent setting up the camera feed by secretly hacking into whatever security cameras were in town, and placing bugs around. Today was the day to use the first drone to check the area. They have three drones, just in case someone destroys the first one or spots it. After turning on the drone and making sure the camera and mike was fully functional, she looked to Mars and told him, "Alright Mars. This drone is ready to fly. You ready for a bird's eye view?" She had the tablet out to show what the camera picked up and set on the ground. With the drone's remotes in her hands she controlled the drone and had it fly off towards the area with the strange geological readings. She turned her eyes to the tablet as soon as the drone was out of sight and used it to control the drone's next moves. The camera soon showed the area and Candice breathed in recognition, "A Kindergarten..." She controlled it to descend slightly and she picked up images of colored figures appearing from the walls, and heading to a blue figure and a red figure. She commented "It looks like blue and red are gathering the people that are coming from the walls...Maybe we should try to lure the curious newborns here...?" She moved around in order to gather more images, and see who would be curious enough to follow it. [@Raijinslayer] [h2][color=darkred]Carnelian[/color][/h2] Carnelian, who had to take care of a corrupted gem, had just come back to the temple and sent the bubbled gem with the rest of the others when she got the telepathic message from Aquamarine. [color=7bcdc8][i]- Carnelian, can you hear me? The newborns are finally emerging....they are finally awake and here!-[/i][/color] "[color=darkred][i]I hear you Dahling! I'm on my way![/i][/color]" Carnelian dashed from the temple to the Kindergarten, her long orange hair flowing behind her and yet never tangling, and her beautiful kimono never slowing her down. As she ran into the Kindergarten, she headed for where Aquamarine or the other newborn gems may be. She caught sight of the drone and she telepathically called Aquamarine, using her name to imply how serious the situation may be. "[color=darkred][i]Aquamarine. I think we have company. There's a strange machine flying around here,[/i][/color]"