The guy who had been standing in the back silently suddenly jumped up in excitement and started shouting like a maniac. "Wooooo! Research assistant. And scopes, whatever they are!" Thobias was clearly way too excited to be a research assistant. Not like he cared what he would be, but doing some actual stuff after switching fuses and other shit in garbage quality equipment is a refreshment for the soul. He clearly didn't care for the woman with the fake smile talking about some idiotic thing called "team building". Who builds teams anyways? Aren't they formed? To this thought he froze mid way in the jumping and quickly put up a troubled face. He has to ask this for sure! [color=ed145b]"Excuse me weird lady, I thought teams were formed and not built. So how is it?"[/color] Thought the others were freezing, and he got angry stares for stopping the talkw hilst tehy were still in the room, he simply didn't care. And he didn't really notice either. How can all these people freeze when he is pleasently warm in just a shirt. So they should stop acting.