Recycling characters from 2/3 years ago leggo. [hider=I Made Something] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Shinobu Resan [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]History:[/b] Shinobu was born into a middle class family consisting of her beloved parents and an awesome older sister. While her father was most of the time abroad, thanks to his employment, Shinobu's mother was a classical housewife. Shinobu's childhood overall without any tragic events, with the exception of one. Sooner or later, Shinobu's father had to choose between family or career, which ultimately led to her father staying in america. Whatever feelings the two loving parents had left for each other was, after time, also began to disappear and it was only a question of time until the Resan family would run into a financial bottleneck. Ultimately, it was when Shinobu's older sister also left for the great land of opportunities, leaving the young girl alone with her mother. One thing led to another and Shinobu's relationship with her mother worsened thanks to the many great effects that an alcohl addiction could produce. This led to Shinobi herself moving rather out sooner than later, ultimately also abandoning her once caring mother. Now, 1 year later, the green-haired younger sister is barely able to support herself. Apart from the whole school-business she also attends a variety of mini-jobs, one of them being a maid in a café called "Meow Meow Heaven". Personality: Shino is a simple girl who tries to not stand out too much. She is a kind and friendly girl who treats everyone well and with kindness - even if just something like classmates rather than friends. She naively believes that deep down every person is a good human being no matter how they may behave. Of course, there are exceptions, but none in her direct environment. While she can be lazy, speaks without thinking and behaves generally all happy-go-lucky she is by no means an airhead. Rather, she simply seeks some sort of thrill to distract herself from her own shitty life. The green hair is actually a very curious person and often puts her nose into places where it doesn't belong. Despite that, however, she does respect the privacy of others and coupled with her busy schedule she doesn't have too many friends at school. [b]Quirks:[/b] Secretly ashamed of her Otaku side. Sort of a pseudo happy-go-lucky attitude. Admires her big sister a lot. [b]Likes:[/b] Strawberries - Who doesn't?! Sweets - Only truly evil people don't like those! Cute Animals - Because she is such a trope. Holidays - Off from school means more time to work...! Cats - Her sister is a dog person. Muffler - Only the one she is always wearing, gift from her sister. Also Red stands for Justice! Swimming - She could have been the best swimmer in school!... If she would actually attend club activities regulary. Positivity - It's one of her defining traits! Sleeping - If only she had more time for that... . Videogames - Because if you can't be a hero in real life, there is always the virtual world to escape to! Cosplay - I-It's not like she likes working in a maid-cafe or anything, baka! Otome Games - She'd rather die before telling anyone about it! [b]Dislikes:[/b] House chores - Who doesn't?! But a girl gotta what's a girl gotta do. Being alone - It makes her start thinking too deeply! Silence - Good thing she likes to talk! Salad - It has the same colour as her hair. Pain - Rather a vanilla person than a masochist. Liars - Shinobu is such a good liar, she is even able to convince herself! [b]Relationships:[/b] Shinobu has no enemies! And even if, they'd soon be turned into allies as well! [b]Other:[/b] Red is the color of JUSTICE. Cosplaying in blood won't change that. ಠ_ಠ [url=]Themesong[/url] [/hider]