[h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Rhys' Clinic][/b] [@Shiny Keldeo] The name presented by the Bayleef was actually quite good. It made sense, and did have a nice ring to it. Nodding his head from where he lay on the table, Devon smiled warmly at his two friends. [color=darkturquoise]"I think it's an awesome name guys. I dig the personal connection to it too. Alright, from this moment forward, me, you two, and Lilisette, are Team Horizon!"[/color] Raising a joyous fist in the air and cheering, the Totodile shuddered and fought through a short spike of pain. Still grinning like an idiot despite the discomfort. [h2][color=6193c7]Datsu the Toxicroak[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Residential District East][/b] [@Ninian] A curious brow raised to the Mienshao as he revealed the species of the Pokémon that he forced information out of. [color=6193c7]"Mew? I've heard the name passed around in whispers, but I've never been fully indulged in the details of their kind. I assume that will change momentarily?"[/color] The unique ability of the elusive Mew fascinated Datsu, the Toxicroak chuckling and staring off at the street ahead as he walked along side Alias. [color=6193c7]"I do indeed....Someone living in this town is not who they appear to be. How interesting..."[/color] The final bit of information caused the thief to pause, slowing his stride a bit as he turned his head back to the Fighter. [color=6193c7]"'Shadow Typing'....Now this is [i]very[/i] fascinating. A brand new Type, one that no one has ever discovered before this....Alias, what were the effects of this attack? How exactly did this 'Shadow attack' end his life?"[/color] [h2][color=a0c9a1]Glyph the Flygon[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Guild Balcony][/b] [@Ninian] The antlion-like mon turned back towards the aching Heliolisk behind him and quickly raised a claw to give a dismissive wave and shake his head. [color=a0c9a1]"No no, it's quite alright Robel. I have plans to see both my sister and my nephew sometime this week. Assuring that my friends are well is a fine use for my time if I do say so myself."[/color] A happy smile crossed Glyph's face. [color=a0c9a1]"And, after this show is done for the evening, we can join the rest of the Guild members for a nice dinner. Dia never fails to impress with his dishes, and I'm quite looking forward to them."[/color] [h2][color=MediumSlateBlue]Raiden the Feraligatr[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Town Sqaure][/b] The scaly blue Pokémon panned his large iris over the huge crowd gathered around watching the fire show. Searching for any sign of his lost companion. No trace of the Greninja was found in the crowd, but his gaze did catch on something. The blue Kirlia watching in one of the rows with an extremely happy expression on her face. The sight even caused Raiden himself to smile momentarily, but the smile soon dropped off the Feraligatr's face as he once again gazed at the Folio Trunk entrance far beyond. [color=MediumSlateBlue][i]If his slimy ass doesn't make an appearance before the shows done, then I'll go looking for Genji. We didn't go through all this just for him to go wander around in a tree stump....[/i][/color]