[hider=The Demon Firebrand] [b]Name:[/b] Firebrand, Red Arremer Joker [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/e7aa37fe0180e980a6cb47fbbeba20f7/tumblr_inline_mtig0chLeV1snt8i1.png[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Firebrand is an old, proud soldier. Though evil, as is his nature, he is almost knightly in his conduct and seeks only to loyally serve under a powerful master that is able to take care of the Red Arremer clan, having given up both ultimate rularship and unlimited power long ago after finding them not to his liking. Not much surprises or excites old Firebrand anymore, but the thought of battling a hero worthy of his respect makes his blood burn. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Physical[/i] - Firebrand can fly, his headbutt is enough to shatter solid stone, and his claws are strong enough to allow him to comfortable dig in and grip any solid surface. [i]Fire Breath Magic[/i] - Firebrand can breath fire, which manifests in several different ways. A stream of fire, fireballs, Fireballs that seek home in on a target (Homing Fire), a faster explosive fireball that can shatter stone (Buster), a slower but more damaging ball of fire (Darkfire), Lava (Claw), and a spinning vortex of heated air solid enough to stand upon (Tornado). [i]Summoning[/i] - As the leader of the Red Arremer clan he can summon gargoyles of the clan to his side from the Ghoul Realm. Red Arremers are weaker than he is, not as agile, and only know basic Fire Breath Magic (fireballs). They're proud and loyal warriors, seeking only to defend their master. [i]Devouring Souls[/i] - Firebrand can consume the souls of the defeated in order to heal himself and regain his stamina. This must be done quickly, as souls do not linger in this world for long if they linger at all. Souls can be stored in special demon crafted bottles, but these lose their hearing properties and are just used as Currency in the Ghoul Realm. [b]Equipment:[/b] -Five Sheets of velum, upon which a magic user can inscribe spells for Firebrand to use later. Once the spell is used the Vellum becomes blank and can be used again. -Five seperate magic talismens, only one of which can be used at any time by Firebrand. The Crown talisman increase the wielders luck when it comes to money, the Skull makes it more likely for souls to linger, the Armor helps to protect the user from damage, the Claw increases the power of the users magic, and the Hand makes magic easier to use. [b]Origin:[/b] Gargoyles Quest/Demon's Crest/Ghouls and Ghosts/Namco X Capcom <---- Presented in chronological order. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq8DI-4TRU8[/url] [/hider]