[@Gowi] In regards to your last message: His name: I am not familiar with the naming conventions of this world, but I was under the impression that real-world mythology wasn't around. I chose the name because of its phonetics as opposed to the link to mythology, so is that link the problem or is the name itself too fanciful? Magic: Entirely self-taught, he used old text books and writings he had found in various libraries to slowly build his basic capabilities. Experience-wise, it took him 6 months to learn what a magic tutor could teach in a week. I am curious about your idea though, so i'd like to hear it. Age: I chose 19 to fit with Sterling's character, Nikalai, as her older brother, but now that she is no longer being used I can adjust his age to being 17 to fit with the other new students. God/s: I was trying to write more IC, sorry for the confusion. As I said, he doesn't care about religion, so he doesn't care if it's one god or twenty. Also, I am writing in the British dialect, so 'travelled' and 'realises' aren't errors.