[color=00a651][h3]Meirin Kurenai[/h3][/color] After letting Ssarak in Meirin also sat on her bed. Usually if they were going to be together for an extended time they would be in Ssarak's room, since his furnishing were large enough to comfort him. Still Meirin did make the effort to commission some larger furniture for the future, such as a bed. Before Meirin just slept on mats, as she did back at the monastery but after spending a night with Ssarak, Meirin wanted to try out beds some more. Hers right now was sized only for her, but that was just until she could make up her mind about one that could fit someone like Ssarak. Her room aside, Meirin tilted her head at his mention about the missions. She would have thought that Ssarak would keep tabs on it considering how important the information was, though perhaps it was only because Djarkel was her home. Or rather her home was in Djarkel. The monks stayed away from the cities and civilization knowing the sort of trouble they bring, but that didn't mean they could escape everything. Demons and monsters were common enough in the land of darkness, but if there were evil people in Djarkel, then Meirin would protect her home. Both the college and the monestary. [color=00a651]"I'll gladly join you Ssarak. You don't even need to ask."[/color] She said with a smile. She stood up and took a journal out from her shelf. Most of the first pages consisted of scribbles and Meirin's poor attempt at literature. While she could read decently enough, her penmanship had room for improvement. It wasn't that the letters themselves were ugly, but her spelling and grammar needed more work. But she skipped those pages and got to the important part; a page sized map of Djarkel. [color=00a651]"The mission I'll be going on will bring us to Djarkel again. We'll be following up on the leads from our last mission, so Lucilia assigned it. I don't know what exactly she discovered, but from what I'm told we'll be meeting with some important people in Djarkel, so we'll need to be prepared. She only wants those she can trust to maintain the college's good reputation with the barons."[/color]