[@VoiD] WARDENs mostly use magic alongside there own physical combat abilities be either sword, gunblade, straight up gun or even a bow and arrow. (Though some will specialize in straight up magic.) Your sword now is a fire sword, your gun shoots lighting bullets et cetra. They can also use it to supplement the battlefield by creating stuff like fog and such. Generally though the rule is combat training and magic both require time lots and lots of time. Meaning that WARDENS that specialize more in magic will be less incline with their weapons and vice versa. A WARDEN that specializes in magic will be able to do much more impressive things like call down lighting or fireballs and the such but will be much more squishier than the guy that has trained to swing his sword and use his magic to make him into a walking tank like Setzer. It's all a matter of preference for what you want to do of course. Mages exist in the world and are other found and many serve within military capacities. Combat roles the best I can explain it is like when you start to dive into specializations within your major at college. Let's say that somebody shows a strong aptitude towards healing, they will be put down a track at the Citadel that involves many more advance medical classess. You do really good in your demolition class maybe they put you down a bomb disposal course. But in general WARDENs are trained as specialized light infantry they can do fine in most combat roles and are trained above all else to be adaptable and deal with a whole manner of situations.