Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Ssarak rubbed his chin as he looked over the map, noting any apparent places of interest. [color=f7941d]"Hmm, I was wondering what became of the information we uncovered. It is good to see that our work has not gone to waste; or at least, not yet. It will be a diplomatic mission, you say? A few years ago, I would have told you that I was entirely unqualified, except perhaps as a bodyguard, but now, I believe my abilities are strong enough to be of some use. I just hope the other students who join us on the mission are as us. I would not want someone like Alaira anywhere close to this task."[/color] Being rid of his serious demeanor for a moment, Ssarak grinned towards Meirin. [color=f7941d]"Though, there are still some things with which I will need your help. If it is a diplomatic mission, I should look the part of a diplomat, but I am not as well-versed in Djarkel fashion as yourself. I do not suppose you have anything in my size, do you?"[/color] He joked. [color=f7941d]"You may need to help dress me up as a 'proper' member of Djarkel high society. With your help, I may not look [i]completely[/i] like a fool." [/color] Ssarak stood up from the bed, letting out a breath towards the door. [color=f7941d]"I suppose I should go speak to Lucilia right away, before the mission is filled completely. I would not want to miss the chance to join you. I may be able to convince her to give us something to purchase proper clothing, if she has not thought of that already. Besides that, I believe I am going to have quite a few questions for you about Djarkel over the next few weeks."[/color]