"You don't watch porn in a room full of dudes" [u]Angelic Name [/u]- [Color=6600FF]Ashtoreth[/Color] [u]Vessel Name [/u]- Eric Wilson [u]Nickname[/u]: [color=fff200]Lumina[/color] [u]Species[/u]: Angel [u]Age[/u]: Angel - Unknown Vessel - 18 [u]Personality[/u]: Ashtoreth is typically a cold and analytical angel but has his moments where he shows to care about something, he isn't the most merciful but wouldn't immediately resort to violence in a fight, but rather a case of "Don't say I didn't warn you" or "Well, I tried...". He also hates Hellhounds more than anything in all of existence. [u]Appearance[/u]: Ashtoreth's Vessel usually wears a grey jacket and a blue T-shirt, Jeans and black and brown tennis shoes. His skin is mildly pale. His hair, normally kept cleanly short is a dark brown with a few noticeable grey strands in it. Eric stands at just under exactly six feet tall, being 5 feet and 11 inches tall. The Vessels Eyes are a light brown, Eric has a scar around the left half of his face due to events Unknown to Ashtoreth. Eric is not exactly the bulkiest student but not the most frail either, but rather somewhere in the middle. [u]Bio:[/u] N/A [u]Weapons/Equipment:[/u] [Color=Indigo][u]Infernus Nocet[/u][/color] - Ashtoreth's main weapon is an angelic spear known as "Infernus Nocet" The handle is a dark, vivid shade of blue with golden vines swirling around it, these vines seem to almost move when gazed at long enough. The head of the spear is a sharp, curved head about 5 inches. It is a dark yellow, and gives off a faint glow to anyone that can see it. Angel Blade - A standard weapon for all angels. [u]Other[/u]: N/A