[b]Character Name:[/b] Aurin Schmidt [b]Sex|gender:[/b] Male. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Tanned skin, Blue eyes, Greying hair, balding, muscular and stout (5'2, 190 lbs, mostly muscle) [b]Distinguishing features: [/b]numerous scars across his body from whippings, gunshot and stabbing injuries, a Wolf's head tattooed on his right shoulder [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Occupation:[/b] A split Master-Of-Arms and Quartermaster for the "Bastard's Bastion" [b]Crime:[/b] Aiding and abetting fugitives (True) 4 counts murder (true), Kidnapping (true), Arson (false, denies vehemently) [b]Starting Equipment:[/b] Zaka Arms Model 4 revolver, several handfuls of rounds, Guardsman's rapier, Home-made steel chest-plate. [b]Personal Items:[/b] Small journal, several passages of notable figures from "The Great Hall", Dangh'Vah made [b]Personality:[/b] Mostly quiet and respectful, Aurin isn't afraid of getting loud, angry and cursing up a storm however when something truly annoys him. [b]Character Quest:[/b] Above all else, Aurin treasures a life of wealth and peace. He knows in order to achieve that he will need to prove himself as someone not to be crossed. This will mean acquiring great riches and power...half of which isn't outside his reach. [b]Bio:[/b] Born into a family of "Explorataes", Humans and Dangh'Vah whom search the Under-roads for valuables and trinkets to be sold back to Golgath and other cultures. Much of his family however was lost during one such journey on the Under-roads to a cave-in and resulting Ornok attacks. Until he was 19, Aurin spent his life balancing books and handling the 'Family business' of sending adventurous explorers and homeless folk to their dooms scouring abandoned cities for scraps. It was on his 19th birthday that Aurin was press-ganged to serve aboard the "Bastard's Bastion" as he stumbled home, drunk and tired. In his 11 years time aboard the Bastion, the airship actually had it's 'golden years'. He immediately began taking a direct hand in maintaining the ship's weapons and supplies, leading to a slightly more strict (at the grumblings of the crew) but efficient vessel. He'd grown tired of balancing books and found his abduction as a sign from Troia, taking to the new responsibilities as though a fish to water. During his year's service in this dual role came the infamous "San Valias Siege". Under his and Captain Matthew Stanton's command, this renegade group of thieves and pirates managed to steal almost 40 million mark's worth of Gold and Silver, a haul that depleted the already diminished Algrian Treasury at the time, following the recent war and secession of Jaku. The ensuing battle also ensured the Bastion's reputation as one of the most well-armed and well-fortified air-ships in the world. At his trial, it is claimed that he was responsible for starting a fire that destroyed a dozen Algrian Noble's homes. A fact he openly disputes even now. He has since been tortured and interrogated repeatedly for years in attempts by numerous parties to re-take the wealth his crew scattered across the known world. While over half of it has been recovered, there is still (roughly) 18 million marks in Gold, Silver and other valuables unaccounted for.... [b]Theme Song:[/b] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_I3SY_E4fU [b]RP Example:[/b] I can provide examples if you'd all like, but I imagine I can be exempt from this one small thing.. [b]Additional notes:[/b] I know the age is 4 years past the scale I gave players, but I don't intend for Aurin to do much beyond enjoy a pinch of snuff, keep you stocked in ammunition and food. At most, offer direction to other characters.