[@Letter Bee] Oh. I wish ya woulda said something like that sooner. I woulda left you be. Also, generally, when I have something set up, at least as I see it, Tyki finds ways of pretty much dismantling it in ways I find...dubeious, at best. For example, one thing I was planning for the mons was a invasion by malakai, but tyki simply said the legendaries would instantly kill all of them, either be reverting them to before they were born, creating black holes, ext, or by having Gin set up a world covering ritual using ritual magic, to kill all the soldiers. Or, as he put it, a ritual that just used the soldiers as fuel. When I asked him how Gin would know where they would strike, he said he'd just lure them into the trap, and that it'd be easy to do so. Now, normally I'd have them avoid such things, as traps like that leave little room for much to happen, other than mass death on one side or the other with little actual development, other than said bloodbath, but....as he put it, there would be no way for them to know, as Gin would apperently vanish off the face of the earth, undetectable to the spies of Malakai. Or, as he is powerful enough to, he's just kill almost anyone sent after him, but an overwhealming force, with ease. So, it's sorta hard to balance a story around that, a thign where you either destroy, or are destroyed, totally. So, it's my lack of ability to work around this that's lead me to seek to leave. I just can't work with it. And I am not willing to just sorta bitch and complain about it so others rally behind it. I'm sad to go, but I really can't think of ways to gm with Tyki. Our ideas of what should be possible just don't work, and even as co-gm, I feel like I lack the right to tell him flat out no, that's not gonna happen.....not that he'd listen anyway.