[@Nevix] [hider=Krye Vincent] Name: Krye (Pronounced: Cry) Vincent Alias/Nickname: The Wraith Age: 20 Personality: Reclusive, curious, cautious, untrustworthy, intelligent, observant, laid-back, savage, deceiving, Appearance: Black hair, grey 'piercing' eyes, pale skin, slim form, 5'9 in height, wears a black t-shirt and grey fur-trimmed coat, black pants and sneakers and leather belt. [hider=Image] [img]https://s8.postimg.org/rb12iehk5/t_h_e_sh_de.jpg[/img] [/hider] Bio: Krye ended up in prison with no regard for his age with several life sentences at age 14 for brutally killing 6 classmates during school after a bout of major bullying. With a problematic childhood leading to a severely damaged sense of morality, he was subject to many terrible events and medications that, without a proper diagnosis of anything, had only managed to mess him up further. By 16 he was practically tossed into The World's Prison when nobody wanted to deal with him anymore. It was in the prison city that he could freely be himself, this gave him a much needed form of therapy to regain his somewhat normal behaviour. During his years in The World's Prison he's had plenty of time to increase his skill in parkour to escape from stronger individuals and fights he can't win. While he was never good in hand to hand combat, he had incredible skill with a knife. By age 20 he had already made a name for himself as The Wraith due to his speed, agility as well as his habit of appearing, killing a target, then disappearing before anyone even got a good look at him. He uses the fact that not many people know what The Wraith looks like, to manipulate and charm his way into allying with someone before stabbing them in the back (literally and figuratively) and taking their supplies. Misc: His main weapon is a large knife that he keeps in a sheath attached to his belt and hidden by his coat. [/hider]